Job Seekers Success

"The process I encountered at the MilitaryStars Career Expo was one of professionalism, enthusiasm, proficiency, and attentiveness. With the guidance and preparation that the folks from MilitaryStars gave me, I was able to get a desirable position as an Assistant Network Operation Project Engineer with ITT Systems!"
- A. Menjivar, US Navy

In response to an email about an upcoming event:
"Hey [MilitaryStars],
I do appreciate the concern, but that day is the day after I'm supposed to start working with Lockheed Martin at their Michoud Facility in LA. I was told they had open positions when I went to the last job fair, and I got one of them!"
- D. Thompson, US Navy

"After talking with one of the employers, he immediately made a phone call to discuss my resume with another location close to my home and came back with three possibilities."
- M. Shelleman, US Army

"I received an on the spot interview and several hot leads of employment for family and friends."
- R. Lee, US Navy

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Employer Success