Message from Assistant Secretary for Aging Josefina G. Carbonell
Recent natural disasters and other emergencies throughout the country underscore the importance all of us have in taking a pro-active role in improving preparedness for emergencies that can happen anywhere, at any time. As we prepare ourselves and our families for potential threats to our safety and security, we encourage all sectors of the national Aging Services Network to become full participants in coordinated and advanced planning between Federal, State, Tribal, and local governments, and the private sector, to quickly assist large numbers of people in a short amount of time. It is only through these coordinated efforts that we will able to continue to ensure that the needs and characteristics of older individuals and other special needs populations will be adequately considered and included in state and local preparedness and response activities.
Across the Aging Services Network – through state and local training exercises, in the development of innovative best practices, and through the rapid and effective responses to a variety of natural disasters – we have seen the positive results of increased collaborations in working to safeguard and assist older individuals and their families in emergency situations. We commend the Network for these efforts and encourage everyone to continue to build upon, strengthen and improve your emergency preparedness partnerships and planning to assure that plans will be responsive to all hazards and emergencies.
Latest News
October 06, 2008
HHS’ Administration on Aging Provides Disaster Assistance to Texas Seniors
October 01, 2008
HHS’ Administration on Aging Provides Disaster Relief to Louisiana Seniors
September 30, 2008
HHS’ Administration on Aging Provides Disaster Relief to Florida Seniors
September 17, 2008
Hurricane Ike Information and Resources (offsite)
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services Hurricane Ike Information (offsite)
September 03, 2008
HHS Program to Improve Disaster Assistance
Hurricane Gustav Response and Resources (PDF)
September 02, 2008
The following are helpful links to News and Resource Pages of States impacted by Hurricane Gustav or its evacuees.
September 02, 2008
HHS Hurricane Information
August 26, 2008
CDC Hurricane Preparedness and Response
July 8, 2008 Report Offers Resources for Home Health Care Response During a Flu Pandemic
June 17, 2008 AoA Provides Disaster Assistance to Iowa Department of Elder Affairs
Floods – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
AoA Resources for the Aging Network
Other Resources
Federal Departments and National Relief Agencies
Many federal departments and national relief organizations provide information and/or assistance before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. Please click here to find out how these agencies and organizations can support you in the event of a disaster or emergency.