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 National Plant Germplasm System

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To Submit a Query

To use this form, enter search criteria into one or more of the fields. Wild cards (*) are accepted. Press the "Submit Request" button at the end of the form, to obtain your results.

Accession Identifiers

PI numbers

The PI (Plant Introduction) number is a serial number assigned to an accession. It is the main identifier of the National Plant Germplasm System.

PI 1 was assigned in 1898. A PI number from December of 1999 was 612204.

Non-PI numbers

Material under evaluation or in Quarantine, have temporary site identifiers (e.g., Grif 1234). Accessions with these identifiers are less likely to be available for distribution.

Other Identifiers

These identifiers distinguish accessions by something other than the accession identifier.

Searches in this area are punctuation and case insensitive. Whenever you are unsure of spelling, use the wildcard (*) as shown below. Some examples of these other identifiers are:

  • Cultivar name (e.g., Red Jewel or Red J*)
  • Breeder identifier (e.g., RW 1234)
  • Collector identifier (e.g., DW 1234)
  • Institute identifier (e.g., VIR 543555)
  • Plant Variety Protected material (e.g., PVP 100050)
  • Other identifier (e.g., Q 1234)


In a large crop, this search takes time. Go get a cup of coffee and then look for the results.

It is generally best to specify the scientific name (taxon) to speed up your search.



  • Scientific names are not case sensitive.
  • Synonyms are not accepted here. You will be told to try again with a different name or spelling.
  • A wild card (*) is automatically placed at the end of whatever you type into the Taxon field, so that a search for Zea mays will include Zea mays ssp. mays

If you are having trouble, try finding the name first in the Taxonomy Query form.

Common names

Common names are case sensitive. If you have trouble finding your results, go to the Taxonomy Query form.


This query searches for the country of origin.

Additional Criteria

  • If you want to specify a year, enter a 4-digit year.
  • Specifying the current year, previous year or specific year will be slow if you don't restrict the search by taxonomy or country.
Updated 22-Oct-2007
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