Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, October 09, 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
1.1 What's New
1.2 GPO's Organizational Structure
1.3 About askGPO
1.4 How to Obtain Assistance
1.5 Keeping Current with the FDLP
1.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
1.7 You Don't Have to...'
1.8 Important
All Pages

1.8 Important for Library Administrators

  • The FDLP Desktop gathers important announcements of interest to the FDLP community.
  • askGPO is LSCM's customer relationship management and online help system. You are encouraged to use it as your first point of contact with LSCM.

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