Center for American Architecture, Design and Engineering
Prior to the bequest of Paul Rudolph that established the Center, the
Library's James Madison Council provided a seed grant in order to promote
a Center for Architecture, Design, and Engineering. Additional support
has come from the Graham Foundation, the Aldus Corporation, and the Historic
American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record, and individuals,
foundations, and corporations.
An immediate goal is the creation of the Center's own international
support group.
A simultaneous objective is to secure additional funding to support
the Center and its programs from the private sector, corporations, and
A long-range campaign will be dedicated to enlarging the permanent endowment
to support the work of the Center and its programs into the future.
The Center seeks to create a special endowment to support an annual
or biennial lecture that would alternate between scholars-in-residence
and distinguished architects, designers, and engineers.
Paul Rudolph sincerely hoped that others would join him in supporting
the work and programs of the Center. The Library of Congress is therefore
pleased to accept contributions in Mr. Rudolph's name as additions to
the Paul Rudolph Trust. Checks should be make payable to "the Library
of Congress - Paul Rudolph Trust," and sent to the Development Office,
Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540-1400. Contributions are deductible
for tax purposes to the full extent of the law.
Contributions to support the work and programs of the Center also can
be made payable to the "the Library of Congress - Center for ADE
Fund," at the same address, and are also deductible.
For additional information concerning the Center for Architecture Design
and Engineering, contact :
C. Ford Peatross
Prints and Photographs Division
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-4730
(202) 707-8695
FAX (202) 707-1486/6647