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Broadcast: Viewing the National Conference

Many people joined the National Conference via Webcast or satellite broadcast.   You can view all broadcast sessions on-demand now via the Internet using a streaming video player application (you can download Media Player or Real Player free). 

Live streaming video of major sessions of the conference was made available from the National Institutes of Health Videocasting web site at  

While the NIH Videocasting page indicates that 150KB of network bandwidth is required to view Web events, special arrangements were made that allowed modem users to access the conference Webcast.

If you have the Windows Media Player viewer, you can view conference sessions on this site


Satellite Broadcast:
Daily satellite broadcasts of major conference sessions were made available nationally.  See the broadcast program for a list of sessions.

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[ Program ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08