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[ Conference Planning Committee | Healthy People | Healthy People Consortium
Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information ]

This was the first national health promotion conference of the new century, convened by the Healthy People Consortium and Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information. Secretary Donna Shalala and Surgeon General David Satcher were on hand for the official launch of Healthy People 2010. The conference program featured plenary sessions focusing on national, State, and community collaborations and more than 100 Breakout, Caucus, and Poster sessions.

Disciplines in Attendance
Public health Federal, State, and local policy
Community-based services Information and computer technology
Health care Health care consumerism
Academia and research Mental health
Business Substance abuse

The program focused on four themes: Partnering for Health Improvements, Eliminating Health Disparities, Increasing Quality and Years of Healthy Life, and Harnessing Technology for Health.  More than 1,200 public and private sector participants, including the media, from throughout the United States and around the world gathered in Washington, D.C. to see and hear about the latest health programs.

Visit the links listed below for background on the conference and join the conference listserv for updates on upcoming events!

Healthy People
Healthy People is the prevention agenda for the Nation and is updated every ten years. It identifies the most significant preventable threats to health and focuses public and private sector efforts to address them.  Healthy People is based on the best scientific knowledge and is used for decisionmaking and for action.  To learn more about these efforts, visit

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Healthy People Consortium
Made up of more than 350 organizations interested in improving the health and well-being for all, member organizations are national in scope, representing older adults, racial and ethnic coalitions, educators, businesses, providers, and scientists among others.   To learn how you can join the Consortium and support achievement of the national health objectives, please visit the Healthy People Consortium Web site at

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Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information
Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information is a public-private partnership that promotes development of interactive telecommunication and computer technologies that help consumers take greater responsibility for their health. The unique Partnerships Technology Games will be featured at this meeting and showcase cutting-edge applications and Web sites, offering prizes for innovation and excellence.  To learn more about the Games and past events, please visit the Partnerships Web site at

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Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08