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Handicapped plates and placards

If you have lost the use of one or more limbs or you are permanently disabled and cannot move without an assisting device, you are eligible for handicapped plates and a placard that give you special parking privileges.

Qualifying individuals can choose from one of three options:
  • One set of handicapped plates
  • One handicapped placard
  • One set of plates and one placard
Handicapped plates will only be issued to one vehicle – registered either to the qualified person or to one family member who provides them transportation. Download the Application Instructions [76k pdf] for more detailed information. The placard will authorize you to park any vehicle in a handicapped parking space as long as the person designated on the “Disabled Person Identification Card” is in the vehicle.

The "Disabled Person Identification Card" must be in the vehicle at all times as proof of disability. This card will be valid as long as you continue to renew your plates and placard. This card is non-transferable and must be with you at all times to utilize the handicapped parking privileges. Any abuse or misuse of this privilege will be cause for immediate revocation of the ID card, placard and plates.