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View Conference Sessions On-Demand Via the Internet

The conference sessions listed below were broadcast via satellite and the Internet.  The daily broadcasts, which include all the listed sessions, have been encoded for on-demand playback over the Internet.  To view a specific session, just fast-forward in your streaming video player (you'll need the latest version of Media Player, which you can download free). 

Individual sessions are being extracted from the 'dailies', and they will be linked separately as soon as they are available. 

Tuesday, January 25 [View Full Day in Media Player]

9:30-10:45 AM

Opening Session: Launch of Healthy People 2010
[Media Player]

11:00 AM-12:15 PM

Congressional Initiatives to Improve Health   [Media Player]

5:00-7:00 PM

Aging of America   [Media Player]
Wednesday, January 26 [View Full Day in Media Player]

10:30 AM - Noon

Leading Health Indicators   [Media Player]

10:30 AM - Noon

Corporate Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium
[Media Player]

Noon-1:30 PM

Enhancing Access: Health, Technology, and the Digital Divide
[Media Player]

3:30-5:00 PM

Translating Healthy People to State and Community Action
[Media Player]

3:30-5:00 PM

A 21st Century Vision of Health Statistics   [Media Player]
Thursday, January 27 [View Full Day in Media Player]

10:30 AM - Noon

Eliminating Health Disparities   [Media Player]

1:30 - 3:30 PM

Inspiring Healthy Living   [Media Player]

1:30-3:00 PM

Federal Funding and Support for Healthy People
[Media Player]

1:30-3:00 PM

Using Healthy Communities to Mobilize Action
[Media Player]
Friday, January 28 [View Full Day in Media Player]

10:30 AM-Noon

Health and Information Technology: The Road Ahead
[Media Player]

12:30-1:30 PM

A Tale of Two Revolutions: Information Technology
and Genetics  [Media Player]

1:30-3:00 PM

Healthy People in a Healthy World   [Media Player]

3:00-3:30 PM

A Healthy Charge to the Nation / Wrap Up and
Closing Comments  [Media Player]

[ Conference Broadcast | Program ]

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium          January 24-28, 2000         Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Updated: 05/01/08