Bulletin No. 93-3

Date: July 1, 1993


Subject: Submission of Gaming-Related Contracts and Agreements for Review

The NIGC has received several requests for guidance on whether particular gaming-related agreements require the approval of the NIGC or the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).

Certain gaming-related agreements require the approval of either the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) pursuant to 25 U.S.C. § 2711 (25 CFR Part 533) or the Bureau of Indian Affairs pursuant to 25 U.S.C. § 81.

In order to provide timely and uniform advice to tribes and their contractors, the NIGC and the BIA have determined that certain gaming-related agreements, such as consulting agreements or leases or sales of gaming equipment, should be submitted to the NIGC for review. In addition, if a tribe or contractor is uncertain whether a gaming-related agreement requires the approval of either the NIGC or the BIA, they should submit those agreements to the NIGC.

The NIGC will review each such submission and determine whether the agreement requires the approval of the NIGC. If it does, the NIGC will notify the tribe to formally submit the agreement.

If the NIGC determines that the agreement does not require the approval of the NIGC, the submitter will be notified of that fact and the NIGC will forward the agreement to the BIA for its review.

For additional information, contact Michael Cox at the NIGC (202/632-7003) or the BIA Gaming Management Office at (202/219-4068).


1441 L. Street NW Suite 9100, Washington DC 20005   Tel.: (202) 632-7003   Fax: (202) 632-7066    Email: info@nigc.gov