Office of Thrift Supervision

Michael E. Finn, Northeast Region Director

Michael E. FinnMichael E. Finn was appointed Regional Director for the OTS Northeast Region in June 2007 after serving as Regional Director for the OTS West Region since August 2004. In the Northeast Region, Finn is responsible for supervising thrift institutions and their holding companies that are based across 11 states. He manages a staff of about 200 people, operating from the regional headquarters in Jersey City, N.J., and through two satellite offices in Boston and Pittsburgh.

Finn has worked in thrift supervision for 20 years, both with OTS and the Federal Home Loan Bank of NY. He spent his first 15 years in the New York regional office starting as analyst, and then working as an examiner, and ultimately serving in regional management. He moved to OTS headquarters in Washington, D.C., in 2002 to lead a group responsible for coordinating supervisory activities across the agency's regional offices and to head the OTS's financial analysis and surveillance activities. His role was focused on identifying emerging risks across the industry, advising on resource prioritization and cultivating supervisory best practices.

During his last year in Washington, Finn formed and led the OTS's Complex and International Organizations unit. His group developed the supervisory strategy and regulatory plans for OTS's most complex organizations, coordinated the supervisory work of core D.C. and regional staff on supervisory activities, and maintained relationships with relevant domestic and foreign supervisors. He also was a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's Accord Implementation Group and was OTS principal on the U.S. interagency group working on Basel implementation issues.

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