Welcome to the new Bureau of the Public Debt website!

Who We Are

Who We Are

Our Mission

The mission of the Bureau of the Public Debt is to borrow the money needed to operate the federal government, account for the resulting debt, and provide reimbursable support services to federal agencies.

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution empowers the Congress to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This authority has been delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury. As an organizational entity within Treasury's Fiscal Service, the Bureau of the Public Debt is authorized to conduct such borrowing for the federal government.

Our Values

Information, Informality, Integrity, Inclusion & Individual Respect

Public Debt has a wide variety of customers. We provide services to a broad range of individual and institutional investors in Treasury securities. Other customers include government securities brokers and dealers, federal agencies, state and local governments, and a diverse array of market participants and others who rely on our public debt accounting information. We're committed to determining the priorities and expectations of our customers and providing them with the best service possible.

We recognize the important role our customers play in the success of our programs and the accomplishment of our mission. We communicate directly with our customers to understand their expectations and assess their satisfaction with our performance. We've established high standards for customer service and we continue to seek investors' feedback about our performance.

We strive to achieve a balance between the range of services we provide and the costs of providing those services. Individual respect is the key.

Our Vision

The Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD) leads the way for responsible, effective government through commitment to service, efficient operations, openness to change, and values-based behavior.

BPD is a bureau where values-based behavior is universally demonstrated, expected, and cherished.

We call this our Values Vision! It's a combination of how we pursue our important responsibilities, the people who make up our talented and dedicated workforce, and our overall commitment to customer service.

And we're never satisfied; we never rest on our laurels. We take advantage of every exciting opportunity to do even more and become even better. One way we'll continuously improve is by steadily increasing our attention to how we do our work—that is, how we view and treat others and how we value and nurture all of our work relationships.

Examples of how our Values Vision will take us in the right direction:

  • Personally demonstrating and modeling values in all of our work behaviors, decision making, and interactions.
  • Using organizational values to help set priorities in our daily work life.
  • Letting values guide strategic directions, organizational goals, and the program decisions.
  • Recognizing employees whose way of working embodies organizational values.
  • Hiring and promoting employees whose actions are congruent with our values.

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Did You Know

The public debt actually shrank to zero on January 8, 1835, under President Andrew Jackson. But soon after, it quickly grew into the millions again.

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