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2009 Exemptive, No-Action, and Interpretative Letters


CFTC staff issues written guidance concerning the Commodity Exchange Act and the Commission's regulations, principally in the form of responses to requests for exemptive, no-action, and interpretative letters. Letters published prior to 2008 are available in the CFTC Staff Letter Archive.

Persons requesting staff letters must follow the requirements set forth in CFTC Regulation 140.99.

CFTC Regulation 140.99 defines three types of staff letters–exemptive letters, no-action letters, and interpretative letters–that differ in terms of scope and effect. The public and practitioners are cautioned that it is the staff's denomination of a letter as exemptive, no-action, or interpretative that is controlling and how a publication service or other party labels a CFTC staff letter has no legal effect.

Additional information on the applicability of definitions of exemptive, no-action, and interpretative letters is provided in CFTC Advisory 16-99.

2009 Letters

There are no 2009 Exemptive, No-action, and Interpretative Letters at this time.