Today in History

Today in History: March 15

The Pine Tree State

Devil's Pulpit
Devil's Pulpit, Bald Head Cliff, York, Maine, circa 1900.
Touring Turn-of-the-Century America, 1880-1920

On March 15, 1820, Maine became the twenty-third state in the Union. Originally a province of Massachusetts, Maine is noted for its picturesque coastline and dense woodlands. Even today, ninety percent of Maine remains forested.

Explorer Samuel de Champlain reached the coast of Maine in 1604 and claimed it as part of the French province of Acadia. France and Britain disputed ownership until 1763, when the region was ceded to the British during negotiations ending the French and Indian War.

In the nineteenth century, jobs in the timber industry lured many French-speaking Canadians to Maine. Vital Martin, a Canadian who moved to Maine in 1898, found the woods of Penobscot County crowded in comparison to rural Canada. "Me, I don't like to go out in the woods to hunt here," Martin admitted in a 1938 American Life Histories, 1936-1940 interview. "It is too dangerous," he continued, "You never can tell when someone will kill you for something else." For the most part, the French speaking Martin preferred the civilized comforts of Old Town, Maine to the isolated country life he knew as a child in Canada:

I wouldn't want to go back there,…This is a much better place…This job is steady the year around, an' she's not hard. I have a little garden there an' I Keep the hen…The work is much easier now for the womans. She have the washer, the Frigidhaire [sic], an' the electric light, an' she have the water on the sink. Yes sir, the world has improved very much since I live in Canada.

"Personal History of Vital Martin," 1938.
American Life Histories, 1936-1940

Explore the American Memory Collections to learn more about Maine:

Kennebunkport, Maine
Kennebunkport, Maine, copyright 1911.
Taking the Long View, 1851-1991

Maine is the most sparsely populated state east of the Mississippi. Over the years, city dwellers have sought solitude in its forests and along its rocky coast. A fashionable resort since the early twentieth century, Kennebunkport remains a favorite vacation destination of former president and first lady George and Barbara Bush.