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Regional Federal Depository Library:  A Composite Manual
Regional Federal Depository Libraries: A Composite Manual of Best Practices
Federal Depository Libraries Eagle LogoA partnership of the Library of Michigan and the Federal Depository Library Program


• Contacts at Other Regional Libraries
Who's who at each regional depository

• Calendar of National Meetings (GPO)
List of upcoming national meetings specifically geared towards depository librarians

• Federal Depository Conference Proceedings
Proceedings from the annual conferences; GPO staff often refer librarians here for ideas and responses to issues

• American Library Association/Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)
The government documents interest group of ALA; an excellent resource for policy issues and hot topics

• GODORT Handout Exchange
A collection of guides to government information sources written by library staff across the U.S.

• Chapter 19, Title 44 United States Code
Enabling legislation for the Federal Depository Library Program

National Electronic Discussion Lists

Open, moderated national list for anyone interested in government documents, including international

• Searching the GOVDOC-L archives

A national list for the regional depository librarians.

GPO Guidelines and Manuals

• Instructions to Depository Libraries

• Federal Depository Library Manual (and supplements)

• FDLP Guidelines on Substituting Electronic for Tangible Versions of Depository Publications

• Substitution List: Official FDLP Permanent Full-Text Databases

• Superseded List

• Minimum Technical Requirements Guidelines for Workstations

• Recommended Public Workstation Specifications

• Guidelines for Online Processing

• Internet Use Policy Guidelines

• Public Service Guidelines

• Item Selection Averages
As a general rule, libraries are expected to select at least one half of the average number of items selected by other libraries of their size and type. GPO uses this chart as a guide. Regional depository selection rates were not included in the tabulation.

• Designation Procedures

State Plans

• State Plans Listed by State
In 1981 the Public Printer recommended that each state establish a state plan governing collection development and the provision of services, including interlibrary cooperation and coordination of training. Look here for state plans available via the Internet.

Building Web Sites

• Establishing HTML Links to Documents in GPO WAIS Databases
Describes the HTML coding necessary to link directly to most documents resident on GPO's WAIS servers

• GITCO Template for Building a Depository Web Page
Designed by the Government Information Technology Committee of ALA's Government Documents Round Table for libraries without the resources to design and maintain a Web page

• GPO Library Directory
The official interactive database of directory information from the Government Printing Office; includes access to each library's selection profile

• U. S. Depository Libraries WWW Home Pages (GPO and PTO)
State-by-state listing of depository home pages maintained by Karen Hertel at the University of Idaho

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