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Testimonials/Intergovernmental Transfer Program
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"The Intergovernmental Transfer Program has been a very efficient means of obtaining experienced police officers for our department. The staff of the Intergovernmental Transfer Program is very knowledgeable and they go out of their way to assist with every aspect of the process. We will continue to use this very beneficial program."

Chief Gordon Dawson,
Florence Township Police Department

"Camden County has transferred a number of employees in and out of the County using the Intergovernmental Transfer Program. Employees who might otherwise have lost their jobs not to mention their permanent status are now employed elsewhere as a result of the program and it has allowed us to recruit from other agencies to fill positions with experienced individuals. I use it as an additional recruiting tool to attract qualified applicants who might otherwise be hesitant about losing their permanent status. It also saves us the headache of recruiting someone who is later bumped out because of an open competitive list.

Congratulations on a program well done!"

Dick Dodson,
Camden County Human Resource Director

"The Intergovernmental Transfer Program “Lateral Transfer” has proven to be an effective alternative for the hiring of police officer candidates. The hiring authority can choose candidates from an extensive pool of diverse, experienced officers. Background checks are much faster due to the fact that the candidate has previously passed an extensive check. Candidates that are hired can immediately be put into patrol thus reducing training costs and benefiting the department and public by putting experienced officers in the street. Crisis manpower shortages can be quickly filled, no lengthy wait for the standard hiring process, academy start dates, academy training and rookie orientation. The Township of Bloomfield, Bloomfield Police Department, has hired nine officers utilizing the Intergovernmental Transfer Program with proven success."


Lt. Joe Pulido,
Bloomfield Police Department,
Internal Affairs Division


"Upon hearing that Essex County was in the midst of downsizing it’s Department of Corrections by 168 employees, the Intergovernmental Transfer and Outplacement Services Program sprung into action. The window of opportunity to aid these soon-to-be displaced workers was closing fast. The representatives of this invaluable program held face to face informational sessions with our affected employees, provided helpful tips on resume writing and conducted a job fair which produced tremendous results. When all was said and done, 133 of those individuals are employed by a County or State Agency."


Christopher J. Durkin,
Essex County Director of Human Resources


"We have used the Intergovernmental Transfer Program on 3 occasions over the past 3 years. Our department is extremely pleased with the speed and ease of the process of hiring officers with the transfer process."


Chief Paul Hager,
Pohatcong Township Police Department


"The staff at Intergovernmental Transfer Services has been a tremendous help in assisting my staff through numerous intergovernmental police transfers since 2002. This program has allowed our police department to appoint experienced police officers and assign them to street duties in a matter of weeks.

We have received outstanding personal service from the staff at intergovernmental service every time we needed their assistance and expertise. I would highly recommend this service to any police chief looking to hire qualified police officers in a short period of time."


Chief Joseph P. Rotonda,
Belleville Police Department


"The Intergovernmental Transfer Program was new to our municipality. Upon receiving a COPS grant to add three officers to our ranks, we needed to make quick decisions about hiring qualified and capable individuals that had received the necessary training that would allow them to step right in as Police Officers. ITP gave us the opportunity to hired three officers with strong existing ties to our community that were motivated to come aboard and already had received costly training. I would suggest ITP as a viable option for those hiring authorities looking for immediate placement of qualified candidates."


Kevin W. Heydel,
Business Administrator Township of Monroe


"As a Chief of Police, I feel that the ITP is an essential tool to facilitate the recruitment of trained veteran officers into my agency. I have in the past utilized this DOP Program and will continue to do so for future hires. Replacing officers lost through attrition."


Chief John J. Marolt,
Deptford Township Police Department


"The New Jersey Department of Personnel, Intergovernmental Transfer Program has been of great assistance to Ocean County. We have been able to accelerate our recruitment and fill key positions while benefiting from hiring trained and experienced personnel."


Keith J. Goetting, Director
Ocean County Department of Employee Relations


"I just wanted to say thanks for all your help in getting me reemployed so quickly. So far the position is very good and the folks here are excellent. When I received my notice of termination from my former employer, I didn't know what to expect from the NJDOP. Was I pleasantly surprised to find out that you folks really do care about those of us out here in the trenches. I was amazed at how thoughtful and concerned you were about my situation. You kept me well informed all along the way, my questions were answered, and any concerns I had were quickly addressed. What I didn't know then was that you didn't just oversee the paperwork of moving me from job A to job B.but you actually had a lengthy meeting with my present employer and educated them as to how a direct transfer would be in their best interest, saving them much time and inconvenience. IGT was a process they were unaware of.but now you made them believers! I would be more than happy to recommend you and your services to anyone!"


David Herbert, Building Inspector,
Township of Freehold regarding Tom Brenner ,
Manager, Office of Intergovernmental Transfer Program (ITP)


"Since it's inception in 1999 the Intergovernmental Transfer Program has proven itself to be the most efficient, cost-effective means for our jurisdiction to obtain experienced, quality police officer in the shortest period of time. Without exception, these candidates have been individuals of the highest quality. I would recommend this program to each and every appointing authority throughout the State without reservation.”


Larry Marino, Police Captain,
Phillipsburg , New Jersey


"Since our first contact with the Intergovernmental Transfer Program/Office of Intergovernmental Services 4 years ago, we have received excellent service at every stage in the process. From answering questions to processing applications to assisting with appeals, our experience has been positive."


Paul J. Zarbetski, Town Clerk,


"The Outplacement Services and Intergovernmental Transfer Program staff of the Department of Personnel has been truly professional and helpful during a current layoff to the extent that 100% of the affected individuals were placed with other jurisdictions in an expeditious manner. The staff dealt with each employee on a one-to-one basis and facilitated their expeditious contact with appointing authorities seeking to hire experienced civil servants. I would not hesitate to avail myself of their services again in the future if the need should arise."


Robert Gorman,
Business Administrator, City of Rahway

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