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Help Getting Started with Podcasts

Need help getting started with podcasts?

If you’ve never listened to a podcast before, this page offers some information to help you get started.

You can save audio files from the USHMM's Web site to your own personal computer. In this trial, the audio files are in m3u format. To download a file all you need to do is right click on the "Listen" option and save it anywhere on your computer. Once you've downloaded the file you can usually double click, launch a media player or podcasting software, and listen to the audio at your own convenience.

Podcasting lets you subscribe to audio programs and have them delivered to your personal computer or mp3 player. The VOICES podcast in the USHMM's trial is free. Once you subscribe you will automatically receive the latest episode of the program. This file can then be transferred to an mp3 player. To do this you will need an internet connection and a piece of podcast software, usually available free of charge. This software will check USHMM’s VOICES ON GENOCIDE PREVENTION for new episodes and automatically download them to your player.

Listed below are three steps to set up your computer to receive the VOICES podcast.

  • Get some podcast software
    If you have never listened to a podcast before, you need to download podcast sofware which can find the latest episodes of VOICES.

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    Podcast software listed on
    Many reputable podcast software downloads are free. (Please note that the USHMM is not responsible for the content of external Web sites; be sure to review set-up and help information for the software you choose)

  • Add the address of the "feed" to your software
    Once you have some podcast software, you are ready to subscribe to VOICES. To subscribe, all you need to do is copy the address of the podcast feed and add it to your podcast application:

  • Start downloading
    When new episodes of VOICES are ready your software will automatically download them. You will then be able to listen to the audio files on your computer or transfer them to your portable player for later listening.


Is an iPod or mp3 player required in order to listen to downloads?
If you have a computer with an internet connection, you can download and listen to mp3 files without an iPod or mp3 player. You will need a media player on your computer and speakers or headphones. The advantage of an iPod or mp3 player is that you can transfer the files onto these devices and then listen to them later, at your convenience.

Is an iPod or mp3 player required in order to subscribe to podcasts?
If you have a computer with an internet connection, you can subscribe to and receive podcasts regardless of whether you have an iPod or mp3 Player. Follow the instructions for installing podcasting software, and you will be set up to listen to podcasts on your computer. Some podcast applications are listed here:

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While you do not need an iPod or mp3 player in order to receive podcasts, portable players offer you the opportunity to listen to podcasts whenever you want, even if you are away from your computer.

What should I do if I've downloaded an mp3 but I can't hear audio?
While the USHMM is unable to troubleshoot individual situations, you should first check that you have a media player on your computer, your sound is turned on, and your speakers or headphones are connected.

What should I do if I get an error message after I've subscribed to a podcast?
In this case it is best to refer to the help information for the particular podcasting application you have chosen. Other suggestions: delete the VOICES feed and then resubscribe to it, or choose another podcasting application. See list of pocasting applications:

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I want to save a download on my computer but it plays rather than downloads when I click on it.
This might be happening because of your particular setup: whether you are using a Mac or a PC, which operating system you have, or your browser. Generally, left-clicking will play the file. Right-clicking should display a list of options, including "Save Target As…" or "Save Link As…". Selecting these options should allow you to save the file to your computer instead of playing it.

How do I download mp3 files if I am using a Mac?
Hold down the control (ctrl) key on your keyboard and click on the mp3 link. One of the menu options you see should be "Download Link to Disk" or "Download Linked File." Selecting this choice should activate the download and save the file.

Blog and Podcasts

Stay up-to-date on the crisis in Darfur as well as the continuing challenge of preventing and responding to genocide and related crimes against humanity around the world. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum presents a weekly interview program, hosted by Jerry Fowler, that brings you the voices you don’t always hear in mainstream media – from human rights defenders to experts to advocates to government officials. Vital voices addressing one of humanity’s most vital issues.

Subscribe and listen to the show as a weekly podcast, or listen to individual programs online, and post your comments about the interviews on the Web blog.

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