Informed Consent Bibliography

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Aaronson NK; Visser-Pol E; Leenhouts GH; et al.; Telephone-based Nursing Intervention Improves the Effectiveness of the Informed Consent Process in Cancer Clinical Trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1996; 14(3): 984-96. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Agarwal MR; Ferran J; Ost K; et al.; Ethics of 'Informed Consent' in Dementia Research--The Debate Continues. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1996; 11(9): 801-806. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Agre P; Kurtz RC; Krauss BJ; A Randomized Trial Using Videotape to Present Consent Information for Colonoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1994; 40(3): 271-76. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Anonymous; Patient Consent Given-But Forgotten. Medical World News 1976; 17(4): 26-. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Appelbaum PS; Grisso T; Capacities of Hospitalized, Medically Ill Patients to Consent to Treatment. Psychosomatics 1997; 38(2): 119-25. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Appelbaum PS; Mirkin SA; Bateman AL; Empirical Assessment of Competency to Consent to Psychiatric Hospitalization. American Journal of Psychiatry 1981; 138(9): 1170-76. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Appelbaum PS; Roth LH; The Structure of Informed Consent in Psychiatric Research. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1983; 1(4): 9-19. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Appelbaum PS; Roth LH; Lidz C; The therapeutic misconception: informed consent in psychiatric research. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1982; 5(3-4): 319-29. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Beck JC; Determining Competency to Assent to Neuroleptic Drug Treatment. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1988; 39(10): 1106-108. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Beck JC; Staffin RD; Patients' Competency to Give Informed Consent to Medication. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1986; 37(4): 400-402. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Benson PR; Roth LH; Appelbaum PS; et al.; Information Disclosure, Subject Understanding, and Informed Consent in Psychiatric Research. Law and Human Behavior 1988; 12(4): 455-75. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Benson PR; Roth LH; Winslade WJ; Informed Consent in Psychiatric Research: Preliminary Findings from an Ongoing Investigation. Social Science and Medicine 1985; 20(12): 1331-41. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Bergler JH; Pennington AC; Metcalfe M; et al.; Informed consent: how much does the patient understand?. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1980; 27(4): 435-40. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Bernhardt BA; Chase GA; Faden RR; et al.; Educating Patients About Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening in a Primary Care Setting. Archives of Family Medicine 1996; 5(6): 336-40. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Billick SB; Bella PD; Burgert W III; Competency to Consent to Hospitalization in the Medical Patient. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1997; 25(2): 191-96. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Boisaubin EV; Dresser R; Informed Consent in Emergency Care: Illusion and Reform. Annals of Emergency Medicine 1987; 16(1): 62-67. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Braddock CH III; Fihn SD; Levinson W; et al.; How Doctors and Patients Discuss Routine Clinical Decisions: Informed Decision Making in the Outpatient Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1997; 12(6): 339-45. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Brett AS; Rosenberg JC; The adequacy of informed consent for placement of gastrostomy tubes. Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161(5): 745-8. [Source: SOTA]
Brody BA; Making Informed Consent Meaningful. IRB: A Review of Human Subjects Research 2001; 23(5): 1-5. [Source: SOTA]
Byrne DJ; Napier A; Cuschieri A; How informed is signed consent?. British Medical Journal 1988; 296(6625): 839-40. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Cassileth BR; Zupkis RV; Sutton-Smith K; et al.; Informed consent -- why are its goals imperfectly realized?. NEJM 1980; 302(16): 896-900. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Clark NM; Gross ES; Barkel J; Patient Consent in Seven Medical-Care Institutions. Patient Counseling and Health Education 1982; 4(2): 103-10. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Daugherty CK; Kiolbasa TA; M. S; et al.; Informed Consent (IC) in Clinical Research: A Study of Cancer Patient (pt) Understanding of Consent Forms and Alternatives of Care in Phase I Clinical Trials [Meeting Abstract]. 1997; 16(): A188-. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Davis AJ; The Clinical Nurse's Role in Informed Consent. Journal of Professional Nursing 1988; 4(2): 88-91. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dawes PJ; O'Keefe DL; Adcock S; Informed Consent: Using a Structured Interview Changes Patients' Attitudes towards Informed Consent. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1993; 107(9): 775-79. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dawes PJD; O'Keefe L; Adcock S; Informed Consent: The Assessment of Two Structured Interview Approaches Compared to the Current Approach. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1992; 106(5): 420-24. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dazzi D; Agnetti B; Bandini L; Corradini P; De Giovanni F; Ghillani M; Giacomi G; Negro R; Pezzarossa A; What do the people think (and know) about informed consent for participation in a medical trial. Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161(5): 768-9. [Source: SOTA]
DCCT Research Group; Implementation of a Multicomponent Process to Obtain Informed Consent in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Controlled Clinical Trials 1989; 10(1): 83-96. [Source: Sugarman, J]
DeLuca SA; Korcuska LA; Oberstar BH; et al.; Are we promoting true informed consent in cardiovascular clinical trials?. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 1995; 9(3): 54-61. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dermatis H; Lesko LM; Psychosocial Correlates of Physician-Patient Communication at Time of Informed Consent for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Cancer Investigation 1991; 9(6): 621-28. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dodd MJ; Mood DW; Chemotherapy: Helping Patients to Know the Drugs They Are Receiving and Their Possible Side Effects. Cancer Nursing 1981; 4(4): 311-18. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dresden GM; Levitt MA; Modifying a standard industry clinical trial consent form improves patient information retention as part of the informed consent process. Academic Emergency Medicine 2001; 8(3): 246-52. [Source: SOTA]
Du Mont J; Stermac L; Research with Women Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: Examining Informed Consent. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 1996; 5(3): 185-91. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Dunn SM; Butow PN; Tattersall MHN; et al.; General Information Tapes Inhibit Recall of the Cancer Consultation. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1993; 11(11): 2279-85. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Edwards SJ; Lilford RJ; Thornton J; Hewison J; Informed consent for clinical trials: in search of the 'best' method. Social Science and Medicine 1998; 47(11): 1825-40. [Source: SOTA]
Eguchi K; Hyodou K; Kobayashi T; et al.; Informed Consent in Cancer Clinical Trials Simultaneous Questionnaires for Patients, Families and Physicians [Meeting Abstract]. 1995; 14(): A1776-. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Elfant AB; Korn C; Mendez L; Recall of Informed Consent after Endoscopic Procedures. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1995; 38(1): 1-3. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Epstein LC; Lasagna L; Obtaining Informed Consent. Archives of Internal Medicine 1969; 123(6): 682-88. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Estey A; Wilkin G; Dossetor J; Are Research Subjects Able to Retain the Information They Are Given During the Consent Process. Health Law Review 1994; 3(2): 37-41. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Faden RR; Beauchamp TL; Decision-making and informed consent: a study of the impact of disclosed information. Social Indicators Research 1980; 7(1-4): 313-36. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Faden RR; Beauchamp TL; King NMP; A history and theory of informed consent. 1986; xv, 392 p-. [Source: SOTA]
Faden RR; Chwalow AJ; Holtzman NA; et al.; A Survey to Evaluate Parental Consent as Public Policy for Neonatal Screening. American Journal of Public Health 1982; 72(12): 1347-52. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Faden RR; Gielen AC; Kass N; et al.; Prenatal HIV-Antibody Testing and the Meaning of Consent. AIDS and Public Policy Journal 1994; 9(3): 151-59. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fitten L; Lusky JR; Hamann C; Assessing Treatment Decision-Making Capacity in Elderly Nursing Home Residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1990; 38(10): 1097-1104. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fitten LJ; Waite MS; Impact of Medical Hospitalization on Treatment Decision-Making Capacity in the Elderly. Archives of Internal Medicine 1990; 150(8): 1717-21. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fortney JA; Assessing recall and understanding of informed consent in a contraceptive clinical trial. Studies in Family Planning 1999; 30(4): 339-46. [Source: SOTA]
Fraser AG; Do Patients Want to Be Informed? A Study of Consent for Cardiac Catheterisation. British Heart Journal 1984; 52(4): 468-70. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Freedman B; Dunn WJ; Informed Consent-An Attitudinal Survey with Recommendations. Ontario Dentist 1984; 61(1): 14-16. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Freeman WR; Pichard AD; Smith H; Effect of Informed Consent and Educational Background on Patient Knowledge, Anxiety, and Subjective Responses to Cardiac Catheterization. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1981; 7(2): 119-34. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fritz WB; Inpatients' Views of Staff-Patient Discussions about Major Treatment Decisions. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1981; 32(11): 791-95. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fureman I; Meyers K; McLellan AT; et al.; Evaluation of a Video-Supplement to Informed Consent: Injection Drug Users and Preventive HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trials. AIDS Education and Prevention 1997; 9(4): 330-41. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Gallo C; Perrone F; Placido SD; et al.; Informed Versus Randomised Consent to Clinical Trials. Lancet 1995; 346(8982): 1060-64. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Ganguli R; Raghu U; Tardive Dyskinesia, Impaired Recall, and Informed Consent. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1985; 46(10): 434-35. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Geller JL; State hospital patients and their medication--do they know what they take?. American Journal of Psychiatry 1982; 139(5): 611-5. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Gertson LL; McNamara JR; Factors Influencing a Person's Reaction to Informed Consent. Psychological Reports 1984; 54(1): 112-14. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Goin MK; Burgoyne RW; Goin JM; Face-lift operation: the patient's secret motivations and reactions to 'informed consent'. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1976; 58(3): 273-9. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Gotay CC; Perceptions of informed consent by participants in a prostate cancer prevention study. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention 2001; 10(10): 1097-9. [Source: SOTA]
Gray BH; Cooke RA; Tannenbaum AS; Research Involving Human Subjects: The Performance of Institutional Review Boards Is Assessed in this Empirical Study. Science 1978; 201(4361): 1094-101. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grisso T; Appelbaum PS; Comparison of Standards for Assessing Patients' Capacities to Make Treatment Decisions. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152(7): 1033-37. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grisso T; Appelbaum PS; Mentally Ill and Non-Mentally-Ill Patients' Abilities to Under stand Informed Consent Disclosures for Medication: Preliminary Data. Law and Human Behavior 1991; 15(4): 377-88. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grisso T; Appelbaum PS; The MacArthur Treatment Competence Study. III: Abilities of Patients to Consent to Psychiatric and Medical Treatments. Law and Human Behavior 1995; 19(2): 149-74. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grisso T; Appelbaum PS; Hill-Fotouhi C; The MacCAT-T: A Clinical Tool to Assess Patients' Capacities to Make Treatment Decisions. Psychiatric Services 1997; 48(11): 1415-19. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grossman L; Summers F; A Study of the Capacity of Schizophrenic Patients to Give Informed Consent. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1980; 31(3): 205-206. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Gurian BS; Baker EH; Jacobson S; et al.; Informed Consent for Neuroleptics with Elderly Patients in Two Settings. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1990; 38(1): 37-44. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Handelsman MM; Martin WL Jr.; Effects of Readability on the Impact and Recall of Written Informed Consent Material. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 1992; 23(6): 500-503. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Harrison K; Jones DVK; et al.; Medical Eligibility, Comprehension of the Consent Process, and Retention of Injection Drug Users Recruited for an HIV Vaccine Trial. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 1995; 10(3): 386-90. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Harth SC; Thong YH; Parental perceptions and attitudes about informed consent in clinical research involving children. Social Science and Medicine 1995; 40(11): 1573-7. [Source: SOTA]
Hassar M; Weintraub M; 'Uninformed' Consent and the Wealthy Volunteer: An Analysis of Patient Volunteers in a Clinical Trial of a New Antiinflammatory Drug. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1976; 20(4): 379-86. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hekkenberg RJ; Irish JC; Rotstein LE; et al.; Informed consent in head and neck surgery: how much do patients actually remember?. Journal of Otolaryngology 1997; 26(3): 155-9. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hershey N; Bushkoff SH; Informed Consent Study: The Surgeon's Responsibility for Disclosure to Patients. 1969; [Source: Sugarman, J]
Herz DA; Looman JE; Lewis SK; Informed Consent: Is It a Myth?. Neurosurgery 1992; 30(3): 453-58. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hoffman BF; Srinivasan J; A Study of Competence to Consent to Treatment in a Psychiatric Hospital. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 37(3): 179-82. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Holmes-Rovner M; Rovner DR; Measuring improved patient choice. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 2000; 6(3): 263-72. [Source: SOTA]
Holmes-Rovner M; Wills CE; Improving Informed Consent: Insights from behavioral decision research. Medical Care 2002; 40(9 Suppl): V 30-39. [Source: SOTA]
Howard JM; DeMets D; BHAT Research Group; How Informed Is Informed Consent? The BHAT Experience. Controlled Clinical Trials 1981; 2(4): 287-303. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hutson MM; Blaha JD; Patients' Recall of Preoperative Instruction for Informed Consent for an Operation. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1991; 73(2): 160-62. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Irwin M; Lovitz A; Marder SR; et al.; Psychotic Patients' Understanding of Informed Consent. American Journal of Psychiatry 1985; 142(11): 1351-54. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Jablonski DF; Mosley GM; Byrd JC; et al.; Informed Consent for Patient Transfers to a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1991; 6(3): 229-32. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Joffe S; Cook EF; Cleary PD; Clark JW; Weeks JC; Quality of informed consent in cancer clinical trials: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet 2001; 358(9295): 1772-7. [Source: SOTA]
Joffe S; Cook EF; Cleary PD; Clark JW; Weeks JC; Quality of informed consent: a new measure of understanding among research subjects. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2001; 93(2): 139-47. [Source: SOTA]
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Kanerva AM; Suominen T; Leino-Kilpi H; Informed consent for short-stay surgery. Nursing Ethics 1999; 6(6): 483-93. [Source: SOTA]
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Kikuchi K; Hara T; Hara T; Patients' Understanding of the Informed Consent for Cataract Surgery. Journal of Ophthalmic Nursing and Technology 1996; 15(5): 216-19. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Kleinman I; Schachter D; Endre K; et al.; Informed Consent and Tardive Dyskinesia. American Journal of Psychiatry 1989; 146(7): 902-904. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Kleinman I; Schachter D; Jeffries J; et al.; Effectiveness of Two Methods for Informing Schizophrenic Patients About Neuroleptic Medication. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1993; 44(12): 1189-91. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Kruse AY; Kjaergard LL; Krogsgaard K; Gluud C; Mortensen EL; Gottschau A; Bjerg AM; A randomized trial assessing the impact of written information on outpatients' knowledge about and attitude toward randomized clinical trials. The INFO trial group. Controlled Clinical Trials 2000; 21(3): 223-40. [Source: SOTA]
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