Informed Consent Bibliography

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Abramson NS; Safar P; the Brain Resuscitation Clinical Trial II Study Group; Deferred Consent: Use in Clinical Resuscitation Research. Annals of Emergency Medicine 1990; 19(7): 781-84. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Agarwal MR; Ferran J; Ost K; et al.; Ethics of 'Informed Consent' in Dementia Research--The Debate Continues. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1996; 11(9): 801-806. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Agre P; McKee K; Gargon N; et al.; Patient Satisfaction with an Informed Consent Process. Cancer Practice 1997; 5(3): 162-67. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Alfidi RJ; Informed Consent and Special Procedures. Cleveland Clinic Quarterly 1973; 40(1): 21-5. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Auerswald KB; Charpentier PA; Inouye SK; The Informed Consent Process in Older Patients Who Developed Delirium: A Clinical Epidemiologic Study. American Journal of Medicine 1997; 103(5): 410-18. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Baker R; Shiels C; Stevenson K; Fraser R; Stone M; What proportion of patients refuse consent to data collection from their records for research purposes?. British Journal of General Practice 2000; 50(457): 655-6. [Source: SOTA]
Baren JM; Anicetti JP; Ledesma S; Biros MH; Mahabee-Gittens M; Lewis RJ; An approach to community consultation prior to initiating an emergency research study incorporating a waiver of informed consent. Academic Emergency Medicine 1999; 6(12): 1210-5. [Source: SOTA]
Barton CD Jr.; Mallik HS; Orr WB; et al.; Clinicians' Judgement of Capacity of Nursing Home Patients to Give Informed Consent. Psychiatric Services 1996; 47(9): 956-60. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Baskin SA; Morris J; Ahronheim JC; Meier DE; Morrison RS; Barriers to obtaining consent in dementia research: implications for surrogate decision-making. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 1998; 46(3): 287-90. [Source: SOTA]
Bean G; Nishisato S; Rector NA; et al.; The Assessment of Competence to Make a Treatment Decision: An Empirical Approach. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 41(2): 85-92. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Benjamin S; Munetz MR; CMHC Practices Related to Tardive Dyskinesia Screening and Informed Consent for Neuroleptic Drugs. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1994; 45(4): 343-46. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Bernhardt BA; Chase GA; Faden RR; et al.; Educating Patients About Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening in a Primary Care Setting. Archives of Family Medicine 1996; 5(6): 336-40. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Boisaubin EV; Dresser R; Informed Consent in Emergency Care: Illusion and Reform. Annals of Emergency Medicine 1987; 16(1): 62-67. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Cohen DL; McCullough LB; Kessel RWI; et al.; A National Survey Concerning the Ethical Aspects of Informed Consent and Role of Medical Students. Journal of Medical Education 1988; 63(11): 821-29. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Cohen LM; McCue JD; Green GM; Do clinical and formal assessments of the capacity of patients in the intensive care unit to make decisions agree?. Archives of Internal Medicine 1993; 153(21): 2481-5. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Dazzi D; Agnetti B; Bandini L; Corradini P; De Giovanni F; Ghillani M; Giacomi G; Negro R; Pezzarossa A; What do the people think (and know) about informed consent for participation in a medical trial. Archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161(5): 768-9. [Source: SOTA]
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Eisenstaedt RS; Glanz K; Smith DG; et al.; Informed Consent for Blood Transfusion: A Regional Hospital Survey. Transfusion 1993; 33(7): 558-61. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Farkas MM; Use of Informed Consent with Therapeutic Paradox. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 1992; 13(3): 161-76. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fellner CH; Marshall JR; Kidney Donors--The Myth of Informed Consent. American Journal of Psychiatry 1970; 126(9): 1245-51. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fost HC; A surrogate system for informed consent. JAMA 1975; 233(7): 800-3. [Source: SOTA]
Fowles GP; Fox BA; Competency to Consent to Treatment and Informed Consent in Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation. Clinical Neuropsychologist 1995; 9(3): 251-57. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Fraser AG; Do Patients Want to Be Informed? A Study of Consent for Cardiac Catheterisation. British Heart Journal 1984; 52(4): 468-70. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Gray BH; Cooke RA; Tannenbaum AS; Research Involving Human Subjects: The Performance of Institutional Review Boards Is Assessed in this Empirical Study. Science 1978; 201(4361): 1094-101. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Grossman L; Summers F; A Study of the Capacity of Schizophrenic Patients to Give Informed Consent. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1980; 31(3): 205-206. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Gurian BS; Baker EH; Jacobson S; et al.; Informed Consent for Neuroleptics with Elderly Patients in Two Settings. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1990; 38(1): 37-44. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Holmes-Rovner M; Wills CE; Improving Informed Consent: Insights from behavioral decision research. Medical Care 2002; 40(9 Suppl): V 30-39. [Source: SOTA]
Hopper KD; Matthews YL; Patient Choice and Nonionic Contrast Media. Investigative Radiology 1993; 28(4): 303-307. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hopper KD; Zajdel M; Hulse SF; et al.; Interactive Method of Informing Patients of the Risks of Intravenous Contrast Media. Radiology 1994; 192(1): 67-71. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Hutchinson AHG; Radiotherapy and Patient Consent. Radiography 1984; 50(591): 126-27. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Irwin M; Lovitz A; Marder SR; et al.; Psychotic Patients' Understanding of Informed Consent. American Journal of Psychiatry 1985; 142(11): 1351-54. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Jablonski DF; Mosley GM; Byrd JC; et al.; Informed Consent for Patient Transfers to a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Journal of General Internal Medicine 1991; 6(3): 229-32. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Joffe S; Cook EF; Cleary PD; Clark JW; Weeks JC; Quality of informed consent in cancer clinical trials: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet 2001; 358(9295): 1772-7. [Source: SOTA]
Kaufmann CL; Roth LH; Psychiatric Evaluation of Patient Decision-Making: Informed Consent to ECT. Social Psychiatry 1981; 16(1): 11-19. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Kerrigan DD; Thevasagayam RS; Woods TO; et al.; Who's Afraid of Informed Consent?. British Medical Journal 1993; 306(6873): 298-300. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Kim DT; Spivey WH; A Retrospective Analysis of Institutional Review Board and Informed Consent Practices in EMS Research. Annals of Emergency Medicine 1994; 23(1): 70-74. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Koike M; Hisashige A; Mikasa H; et al.; Informed Consent and Decision Making in Choice of Therapy for Early Breast Cancer. 1994; 13(): 84-. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Lavori PW; Sugarman J; Hays MT; Feussner JR; Improving informed consent in clinical trials: a duty to experiment. Controlled Clinical Trials 1999; 20(2): 187-93. [Source: SOTA]
Lawton FG; Redman CWE; Luesley DM; Patient Consent for Gynaecological Examination. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1990; 44(5): 326-29. [Source: Sugarman, J]
LeBlang TR; Kirchner JL; Informed Consent and Alzheimer Disease Research: Institutional Review Board Policies and Practices. Alzheimer Disease: From Molecular Biology to Therapy: Advances in Alzheimer Disease Therapy, Boston, Birkhauser 1996; 529-34. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Lescale KB; Inglis SR; Eddleman KA; et al.; Conflicts between Physicians and Patients in Non-elective Cesarean Delivery: Incidence and the Adequacy of Informed Consent. American Journal of Perinatology 1996; 13(3): 171-76. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Lidz CW; Meisel A; Osterweis M; et al.; Barriers to Informed Consent. Annals of Internal Medicine 1983; 99(4): 539-43. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Llewellyn-Thomas HA; McGreal MJ; Thiel EC; et al.; Patients' Willingness to Enter Clinical Trials: Measuring the Association with Perceived Benefits and Preference for Decision Participation. Social Science and Medicine 1991; 32(1): 35-42. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Maltby JR; Eagle CJ; Informed Consent for Clinical Anaesthesia Research. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1993; 40(9): 891-96. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Mark JS; Spiro H; Informed Consent for Colonoscopy: A Prospective Study. Archives of Internal Medicine 1990; 150(4): 777-80. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Maslin A; A Survey of the Opinions on `Informed Consent' of Women Currently Involved in Clinical Trials within a Breast Unit. European Journal of Cancer Care 1994; 3(4): 153-62. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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Murthy RS; Chatterji S; Sriram TG; et al.; Informed Consent for Drug Trial: A Systematic Study. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences Journal 1988; 6(2): 145-49. [Source: Sugarman, J]
Myles PS; Fletcher HE; Cairo S; Madder H; McRae R; Cooper J; Devonshire D; Hunt JO; Richardson J; Machlin H; Morgan EB; Moloney J; Downey G; Randomized trial of informed consent and recruitment for clinical trials in the immediate preoperative period. Anesthesiology 1999; 91(4): 969-78. [Source: SOTA]
O'Flynn N; Spencer J; Jones R; Consent and Confidentiality in Teaching in General Practice: Survey of Patients' Views on Presence of Students. British Medical Journal 1997; 315(7116): 1142-. [Source: Sugarman, J]
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