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January 08, 2009

Monster Seminar Jam - What is the worst that global warming has done in the past?.
Dr. Peter Ward, Department of Biology, University of Washington

December 18, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Learning from Ecosystem-Based Management. Poster pdf
Dr. Kai Lee, David and Lucile Packard Foundation

December 11, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Dissolved Oxygen in Hood Canal:  Understanding Variation and Drivers of Change. Poster pdf
Dr. Jan Newton, Department of Environmental and Information Systems, University of Washington

December 04, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - A Comprehensive View of Nearshore Ecosystem Change in Puget Sound. Poster pdf
Mr. Charles "Si" Simenstad, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

November 20, 2008

Internal Grants Follies.
Internal Grants Follies

November 13, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Seabirds and Citizens: Can Moms Model Top Predators?. Poster pdf
Dr. Julia Parrish, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

November 06, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Toxics in the Puget Sound Food Web: Understanding the Problem in Order to Move Towards Improvement. Poster pdf
Ms. Sandie O'Neill, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife/NOAA

October 30, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Complexity, Resilience, and Uncertainty in Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Linking Observations, Models, and Scenarios. Poster pdf
Dr. Marina Alberti, Department of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington

October 23, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - If Ecosystem Services Are So Valuable, Why Can't I Buy More of Them in the Grocery Store?. Poster pdf
Dr. Mark Plummer, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

October 16, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Managing Puget Sound's Groundfish Resources from the Bottom Up. Poster pdf
Mr. Wayne Palsson, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

October 09, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Regional Climate Modeling and Impacts Assessment in the US Pacific Northwest. Poster pdf
Dr. Eric Salathe, Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington

October 02, 2008

Monster Seminar JAM - Ecosystem Based Management - It's Now Up To Us. Poster pdf
Mr. William Ruckelshaus, Puget Sound Partnership

June 05, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Chemical Cues and the Keystone Species Concept. Poster pdf
Dr. Dick Zimmer, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles

May 29, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Beyond The Five Senses: The Maps, Compasses, And Sensory Biology Of Sea Turtle Navigation.. Poster pdf
Dr. Ken Lohmann, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina

May 22, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Integrating geochemistry, bioenergetics and life history to further understand fish population dynamics. Poster pdf
Dr. Brian Kennedy, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho

May 15, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Consequences and Causes of Dispersal in Plethodontid Salamanders. Poster pdf
Dr. Windsor Lowe, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana

May 08, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Climate Change and the Role of Jellyfish in the Northern California Current. Poster pdf
Dr. Ric Brodeur, Newport Field Station, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

May 01, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Microbial Population Structure of the World's Oceans: an underexplored rare biosphere. Poster pdf
Dr. Mitchell Sogin, Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole) Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (Brown University)

April 17, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Dr. Shawn Larson, Seattle Aquarium Genetics and Endocrine Research. Poster pdf
Dr. Shawn Larson, Seattle Aquarium Genetics and Endocrine Research

April 10, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Ultraviolet radiation in bluegill nests: timing is (almost) everything. Poster pdf
Dr. Mark Olsen, Department of Biology, Franklin and Marshall College

April 03, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Understanding Population Variability in the California Current Ecosystem. Poster pdf
Dr. George Sugihara, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

March 13, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Cyanobacterial Toxins in Freshwater Environments: Identifying and Characterizing the Potential Risks (and Some Possible Benefits).
Dr. John Berry, Chemistry and Biochemisty, Florida International University

March 06, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Southern Sea Otters, Pathogens, Toxins and Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Dr. David Jessup, Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Center, California Department of Fish and Game

February 28, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV): the old and the new.
Dr. Kyle Garver, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,

February 21, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - The Secret Lives of Crustaceans and Cod .
Dr. Win Watson, Ecology, University of New Hampshire

February 14, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Running the gauntlet - predators and tourists at the Columbia River plume front.
Dr and Mr Jen and Julian Zamon and Colesberry, Fish Ecology, NWFSC and Portland State University

February 07, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Do you see what I see? Ontogenetic changes in the visual ecology of local marine fishes.
Mr. Lyle Britt, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering division, AFSC

January 31, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Chance & Necessity in Highly Fecund Marine Life .
Dr. Dennis Hedgecock, Biological Sciences, University of Southern California

January 24, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Quantifying mixing and migration in Pacific salmon: implications for conservation and management.
Dr. Jessica Miller, Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University

January 17, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - Reproductive strategies in rockfishes: how mothers hedge their bets in the California Current.
Dr. Susan Sogard, Ecology Branch, SWFSC

January 10, 2008

Monster Seminar Jam - The forsaken fjord: science, society, and biological decline in Puget Sound.
Dr. Casimir Rice, Environmental Conservation, NWFSC

December 06, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Giant Catfish of Mekong Delta.
Dr. Zeb Hogan, Assistant Research Professor, Biology, University of Nevada, Reno

November 29, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Potential for Hybridization Between an Invasive Seagrass Species and its Native Congener.
Dr. Jennifer Rhode, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, The University of North Carolina at Asheville

November 15, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Reproductive impairment and endocrine disruption in an estuarine fish population exposed to seasonal hypoxia.
Dr. Peter Thomas, Research Assistant Professor, Marine Science Institute, Department of Marine Science and Section of Intergrative Biology , Universit

November 08, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Tail Pigments in Wild Zebra Fish.
Dr. David Parichy, Professor, Department of Biology, University of Washington

November 01, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Clonal lines facilitate genetic analysis of complex traits in rainbow trout.
Dr. Gary Thorgaard, Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Center for Reproductive Biology, Washington State University

October 25, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Where in the ocean are they? Chinook and coho salmon ocean migration patterns inferred from coded wire tag recoveries .
Dr. Laurie Weitkamp, Res. Biologist, Conservation Biology, NWFSC Newport Research Station

October 18, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Science education and the future shortage of scientific thinkers: Local solutions to a problem that affects us all.
Dr. Ashley Steel, Res. Biol., Environmental Conservation Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

October 11, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Forces shaping the HIV proteome and a new approach to vaccine immunogen design.
Dr. James L. Mullins, Virologist, Mullins Molecular Retrovirology Lan, University of Wasington

October 04, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - How Smart are Octopuses?.
Dr. Roland Anderson, Biologist, Invertebrate Curator The Seattle Aquarium

September 27, 2007

Monster Seminar Jam - Molecular ecology of Atlantic salmon: dissecting fitness determinants.
Dr. Dany Garant, Assistant Research Professor, Biology, University of Sherbrooke

May 31, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - 60 Years of Environmental Monitoring in the World's Largest Lake: the Paradox of Successful Monitoring Without Agencies. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Stephen L. Katz, Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

May 24, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Targeting behavior, discards, and the management of a multiple-species fishery. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Quinn Weninger, Economics, Iowa State University

May 17, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Title TBA. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. David Noakes, Fisheries & Wildlife, Oregon State University

May 10, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Conservation and genetics of a New Zealand icon: The living fossil tuatara, a basal reptile. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Fred Allendorf, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana

May 03, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Using A 400 Million Year Old Biological Tool To Mitigate The Impacts Of Climate Change On Aquatic And Terrestrial Ecosystems. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Rusty Rodriguez, Western Fisheries Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey

April 26, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Harmful Algal Blooms: Global Spreading or Global Synchrony?. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Ted Smayda, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island

April 19, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Isotopic Dabbling in Oceans and Other Wet Places. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Keith Hobson, Prairie & Northern Wildlife Research Center, Canadian Wildlife Service

April 12, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Title TBA. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Kenneth Frank, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Department of Fisheries and Oceans

April 05, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - The use of molecular genetics and other techniques to address Southern Resident Killer Whale prey selection: some new answers to an old question. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Brad Hanson, Conservation Biol Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

March 29, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Dammed Fish: Science for Recovery Planning in the Interior Columbia Basin. Poster pdf
Presenter: Dr. Michelle McClure, Conservation Biol Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

March 08, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - What are the past, present and future dynamics of hypoxia on the Oregon Shelf?. Poster pdf
Dr. Francis Chan, Oregon State University

March 01, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - There's no place like home? Spatial patterns of homing and spawning site selection in supplemented and wild spring chinook salmon. Poster pdf
Dr. Andrew Dittman, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

February 22, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Ontogeny of Swimming in Dolphins: Implications for Interactions with the ETP Tuna-purse Seine Fishery. Poster pdf
Dr. Shawn Noren, University of California - Santa Cruz

February 15, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Winter ecology of Pacific salmon during their marine life. Poster pdf
Dr. Marc Trudel

February 08, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Smart prevention of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. Poster pdf
Dr. Julian D. Olden, University of Washington

February 01, 2007

Remote, in situ Detection of Marine Plankton using the Environmental Sample Processor: Field and Laboratory Analyses. Poster pdf
Dr. Dianne I. Greenfield, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

January 25, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - From Chemical Warfare, Spies, and Drugs; and the Tropics to the Cold North Pacific: A history of Marine Biotoxin Research at the NW Fisheries Science Center. Poster pdf
Dr. Jack Wekell, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

January 18, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Evaluating the Potential Health Impacts of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Flame Retardants using Teleost Fish Models. Poster pdf
Dr. Sean Lema, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

January 11, 2007

CANCELED: Monster Seminar JAM. Poster pdf
Dr. Stephen L. Katz, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

January 04, 2007

Monster Seminar JAM - Something About Lampreys: Conservation of an Oft Maligned Fish. Poster pdf
Dr. Mary Moser, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

December 07, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Saving California's Sturgeons: Physiological Approaches.
Dr. Joseph (Joe) J. Cech, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis

November 30, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Thirty Years of Trying to Understand the Strait of Georgia.
Dr. Dick Beamish, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

November 15, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Global Climate, Oceans, and Health: Environmental Factors Influencing Infectious Disease and the Cholera Paradigm.
Dr. Rita Colwell, University of Maryland at College Park & Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health

November 09, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - DNA Microarrays and their Application to the Toxicology of the Harmful Algal Bloom Toxin Azaspiracid.
Dr. Mike Twiner, Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research at Charleston (CCEHBR), NOAA/NOS/NCCOS

November 02, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Southern California's Urban Watersheds: Baselines, Impacts, and Solutions.
Dr. Eric Stein, Watershed Department, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project

October 26, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Emerging Riparian Perspectives and Challenges in the Pacific Coastal Ecoregion.
Dr. Robert Naiman, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

October 12, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Epigenetic Transgenerational Actions of Endocrine Disruptors on Reproduction and Disease: New Paradigm for Disease Etiology and Evolution.
Dr. Michael K. Skinner, Department of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University

October 05, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Acid Rain: An Unfinished Environmental Problem.
Dr. Gene E. Likens, Institute of Ecosystem Studies

June 08, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - The Logical Incoherence of Modern Statistical Practice. Poster pdf
Dr. Stuart Hurlbert, Department of Biology, San Diego State University

June 01, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Is Density-dependence an Evolvable Property? Deriving a Testable Hypothesis and Reporting on Results in Hand. Poster pdf
Dr. Joseph Travis, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University

May 25, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Global Climate Change and Drought in the West. Poster pdf
Dr. Kevin E. Trenberth, Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research

May 18, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Conservation Genetics: Examples from Salmon, Wolves, and Topminnows. Poster pdf
Dr. Phil Hedrick, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University

May 11, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Contrasting Effects of Anthropogenic vs. Natural Disturbances on the Flow of Resources Between Streams and Riparian Zones. Poster pdf
Dr. Colden V. Baxter, Stream Ecology Center and Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University

May 04, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Effects of an Alien Bivalve on the Hudson River Ecosystem. Poster pdf
Dr. Dave L. Strayer, Institute of Ecosystem Studies

April 27, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Putting it All Together: Building an Ecosystem-based Management Framework. Poster pdf
Dr. Jacquelynne R. King, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

April 20, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - CANCELLED. Poster pdf

April 13, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Riparian Vegetation Dynamics in Space and Time: Can We Distinguish Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Variability Over Broader Scales? NOTE: Location change. Poster pdf
Dr. Sarah E. Gergel, Department of Forest Sciences and Centre for Applied Conservation Research, University of British Columbia.

April 06, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Effect of Salmon Spawning on Seasonal Changes in Structure and Function of Stream Macroinvertebrate Communities. Poster pdf
Dr. Jon Honea, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, NOAA Fisheries and University of Washington -

March 30, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Multiple Responses of Rainbow Trout to Wildfire and Human Influences. Poster pdf
Dr. Jason B. Dunham, USGS FRESC Corvallis Research Group

March 16, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Seabirds as Ecosystem Indicators in the North Pacific: Application to Management and Conservation. Poster pdf
Dr. William J. Sydeman, PRBO Conservation Science

March 09, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Degradation and Destabilization of Freshwater Ecosystems by Diffuse and Urban Nitrogen Sources. Poster pdf
Dr. Peter R. Leavitt, University of Regina

March 02, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Satellite tracking of Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes): Oceanographic and Conservation Implications.
Dr. K. David Hyrenbach, Duke University

February 23, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Acoustic Smog: Undersea Noise Effects on Whales and Other Marine Life. Poster pdf
Dr. Lindy Weilgart, Dalhousie University

February 16, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - A Regional West Coast Observing System for Toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia. Poster pdf
Dr. Vera L. Trainer, NMFS/NOAA Fisheries

February 09, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Genetic Issues in Listing Species Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Poster pdf
Dr. Susan M. Haig, Oregon State University

February 02, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - In the Company of Crows and Ravens: Coevolution of Animal and Human Culture. Poster pdf
Dr. John Marzluff, University of Washington

January 26, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Population Structure and Dispersal of Deep-sea Vent and Seep Organisms: Weedy Species in Ephemeral Environments. Poster pdf
Dr. Robert C. Vrijenhoek, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

January 19, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Conservation Reliant Species: Exceptions or the Rule?. Poster pdf
Dr. Michael J. Scott & Dr. Dale D. Goble, University of Idaho

January 12, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - When the Arctic Becomes Subarctic: Northern Alaska Seabirds Respond to Climate-Driven Changes in Ichthyofauna. Poster pdf
Dr. George J. Divoky, University of Alaska - Fairbanks

January 05, 2006

Monster Seminar JAM - Mother Nature's Dangerous Dams. Poster pdf
Dr. John J. Clague, Simon Fraser University

December 08, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - A Decision Support System for Analyzing Stock Status: Quantifying ''maybe''. Poster pdf
Dr. Pete Lawson
Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center - Newport

December 01, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - The Orphan Tsunami of 1700. Poster pdf
Dr. Brian Atwater
Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington

November 17, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Evaluating Habitat Restoration for Pacific Salmon: Results of Case Studies and Guidance for Monitoring Design. Poster pdf
Dr. Phil Roni
Environmental Conservation Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

November 10, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - The Contamination of Freshwater Fishes with Pesticides and Mercury. Poster pdf
Dr. David W. Schindler
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta

November 03, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - The Impact of Recent Climate Variability on Hydrography, Zooplankton and Salmon in the Northern California Current. Poster pdf
Dr. Bill Peterson
Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center - Newport

October 27, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM -Generation of Viable Fish from Cryopreserved Primordial Germ Cells. Poster pdf
Dr. Goro Yoshizaki
Department of Marine Biosciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

October 20, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Fish Based Assessment Methods and Application to River Restoration in Austria and Europe. Poster pdf
Dr. Stefan Schmutz
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management, University for Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences

October 06, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Pattern Detection, Scope, and Perception in Riverine Landscapes. Poster pdf
Dr. Christian Torgersen
USGS Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Sci Center, Cascadia Field Station, &
College of Forest Resources, Univ of Washington

September 29, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM . Poster pdf
Dr. Evan Gallagher, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington

June 09, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Turnabout is Fair Play: Evaluating 30 Years of Marine Mammal Commission Oversight. Poster pdf
Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Environmental Studies Program, Ursinus College

June 02, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Economics Meets the Recreational Angler: Valuation and Participation. Poster pdf
Dr. Todd Lee, NWFSC, NOAA Fisheries

May 26, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - A Statewide Assessment of Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation for Washington. Poster pdf
Dr. Peter B. Skidmore, The Nature Conservancy

May 19, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Whales, Barnacles, and Other Yummy Critters: Contemporary Hunting and Fishing Practices of the Makah Tribe. Poster pdf
Dr. Jennifer Sepez, AFSC, NOAA Fisheries

May 12, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Towards Understanding and Forecasting Food Web Responses to Environmental Changes in Salmon-bearing Rivers . Poster pdf
Dr. Mary E. Power, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley

May 05, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - No-take Zones as Optimal Fishery Management. Poster pdf
Dr. James N. Sanchirico, Quality of the Environment Division, Resources for the Future

April 28, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Cumulative Environmental Effects of Oil and Gas Activities on Alaska's North Slope. Poster pdf
Dr. Gordon H. Orians, Department of Biology, University of Washington

April 21, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - A Bioeconomic Predator-Prey Model, with Application to Lake Victoria Fisheries. Poster pdf
Dr. Gardner Brown, Jr., Economics, University of Washington

April 14, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Science and Society in Three Foreign Countries: France, California, and Montana. Poster pdf
Dr. Robin Waples, NWFSC, NOAA Fisheries

April 07, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Recent Advances in Community Theory and Applications. Poster pdf
Dr. Philippe (Phil) A. Rossignol, Fisheries & Wildlife, Oregon State University

March 31, 2005

Monster Seminar JAM - Shorebird Conservation in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Poster pdf
Dr. Stephen C. Brown

March 17, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Potential Prey of Killer Whales in Pudget Sound: A Pilot Study. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. John Horne, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

March 10, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Impacts of Anthropogenic. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. John Hildebrand, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

March 03, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Effect of GH Transgenesis. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Robert Devlin, Aquaculture Division, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

February 24, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Pathogenic Vibrios in Shellfish. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Anita Wright, Aquatic Food Production Laboratory, University of Florida

February 17, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Further Factors for. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Steven Fain, National Forensics Laboratory, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

February 10, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Evaluating the Effects of a. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Barry Berejikian, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries

February 03, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Persistent Organic Pollutants. See also Poster pdf.
Gina Ylitalo, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries

January 27, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - POST - A Permanent Continental-. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. David Welch, Kintama Research Corporation

January 20, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Dissecting Multiple. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Glen Van Der Kraak, College of Biological Science, University of Guelph

January 13, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - The Human Health. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Lora Fleming, Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami

January 06, 2005

Monster Seminar Jam - Microarrays and the Salmon Genome Project. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Ben Koop, Department of Biology, University of Victoria

December 09, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Life history diversity of chinook salmon: results from an integrated monitoring program in the Skagit River.
Dr. Correigh Greene, NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

December 02, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Sources of Nutrients During 4 Million Years of Soil and Ecosystem Development in the Hawaiian Islands.
Dr. Peter M. Vitousek, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University

November 25, 2004

No Monster Seminar JAM.
Thanksgiving Day

November 18, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - The future of California's freshwater and anadromous fishes.
Dr. Peter B. Moyle, Center for Integrated Watershed Science and Management, University of California, Davis

November 11, 2004

No Monster Seminar JAM.
Veterans Day

November 04, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Using Landscape Ecology for Road Systems, Towns, and Urban Regions. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Richard T. T. Forman, Landscape Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University

October 28, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - You are where you eat: Right whale foraging ecology and its implications for distribution. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Mark Baumgartner, Postdoctoral Scholar, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

October 21, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Anthropogenic causes of a state shift in a large river ecosystem: chinook salmon and the Snake River basin.
Dr. Mark Scheuerell, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries

October 14, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Food web and landscape perspectives on non-native predator introductions in lakes. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Jake Vander Zanden, Assistant Professor, Center for Limnology, Department of Zoology, Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison

October 07, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Sustainability and Marine Conservation: Some Second Thoughts. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Bob Francis, Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

September 30, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM. See also Poster pdf.
Dr. Brian Dennis, Professor, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, and Division of Statistics, University of Idaho

June 10, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Size structured populations and individual variation: models and data for marine populations. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Cathy Pfister, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Univeristy of Chicago

June 03, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Strategies for reducing the ecological impacts of dams: a progress report on dam removal and dam reoperation. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. David Hart, Patrick Center for Environmental Research, Academy of Natural Sciences

May 27, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - A Food Web Perspective on River Management. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Tim Wooton, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago

May 20, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Ocean conditions, marine survival, and performance of juvenile chinook and coho salmon in Southeast Alaska. See also Poster PDF.
Laurie Weitkamp, Conservation Biology Division, NOAA Fisheries

May 13, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - From photos to feces: studying dolphin population structure. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Kim Parsons, Conservation Biology Division, NOAA Fisheries

May 06, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Seasonal dynamics in coastal fish abundance - hydroacoustic studies in a coastal bay in the Baltic Sea. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Sture O. Hansson, Department of Systems Ecology & Center for Limnology, Stockholm University & University of Wisconsin - Michigan

April 29, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Tracking salmon-derived nutrients and contaminants in modern food webs and lake sediments. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Irene Gregory-Eaves, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa

April 22, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Abundance and movements of blue and humpback whales and insights on their underwater behavior from suction-cup tags. See also Poster PDF.
Mr. John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research

April 15, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - How valuable is a patchy resource?. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Danny Grunbaum, School of Oceanography, University of Washington

April 08, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Foraging theory, habitat selection and the ecology of a guild of benthic estuarine fishes. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Karl Polivka, Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

April 01, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Age-specific survival, abundance and immigration rates of a Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) population in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Michael F. Cameron, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA Fisheries

March 18, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - What do seabirds do when they're away from land?. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Robert E. Ricklefs, Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis

March 11, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - It's a Big Sea After All: Speciation and Population Isolation at Modest Spatial Scales. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Michael Hellberg, Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University

March 04, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Bridging the Gap Between Biology and Physics: Insights from Video Plankton Recorder Studies. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Carin Ashjian, Department of Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

February 26, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in the Lower Columbia River: Should Caspian Terns Join the Four H's?. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Daniel Roby, USGS-Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit/ Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University

February 19, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Why Experimental Ecology Matters for Conservation Biology. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Mark Bertness, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University

February 12, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Nutrient Controls over Terrestrial Carbon Storage. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Alan Townsend, Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, University of Colorado

February 05, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - From physiology to ecosystem function: Three ways to measure impacts of exotic New Zealand mud snails in rivers. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Robert O. Hall, Jr., Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming

January 29, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - The Fishery Interaction Team: Investigating the Potential for Commercial Fishing to Compete with Endangered Steller Sea Lions for Shared Prey. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Libby Logerwell, Resource Ecology & Fisheries Management, NOAA/NMFS

January 22, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Effects of plant diversity on riparian ecosystem functioning. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. David Hooper, Department of Biology at Western Washington University

January 15, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Implications of ecosystem restoration and novel disease for conservation of abalones in California. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Glenn Van Blaricom, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

January 08, 2004

Monster Seminar JAM - Genomic approaches to studying speciation in Lake Malawi cichlids. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Thomas Kocher, Dept. of Zoology & Program in Genetics/ Hubbard Ctr. for Genome Studies, U of New Hampshire

December 18, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - A Phase Shift in Community Composition in an Intertidal Assemblage: Stable? An Alternative State? Is there Hysteresis in its Future?. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Bob T. Paine, Dept. of Biology, University of Washington.

December 11, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Genetic Analysis of Reproductive Isolation in Sticklebacks. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Katie L. Peichel, Human Biology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

December 04, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - A Case Study for using microarray technology to profile environmentally induced changes in gene expression in fish: Searching for the molecular basis of eurythermality in the annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Jason Podrabsky, Dept. of Biology, Portland State University.

November 20, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Biological Recovery of Lakes from Acidification: Local and Regional. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Shelley E. Arnott, Dept. of Biology, Queen's University.

November 06, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Coastal Invasions. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Ted D. Grosholz, Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy, U of California, Davis.

October 30, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Using Science to Inform Decisions Under the Endangered Species. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Mary H. Ruckelshaus, Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

October 23, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Demersal Fishes of the Southern California Shelf and Upper Slope: Populations, Communities, and Responses to Environmental Changes. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. James M. Allen, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project.

October 16, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Managing to the Margins: Shifting Baselines and Other 'Catchy' Phrases. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Andy A. Rosenberg, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, U of New Hamshire.

October 09, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Populational and community consequences of possessing pelagic larvae: musings from a coral reef lagoon. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Peter F. Sale, Dept. of Biolocial Sciences, University of Windsor.

October 02, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Tales from the foraging arena: recent developments in ecosystem modeling using Ecopath/Ecosim. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Carl J. Walters, Fisheries Science Centre, University of British Columbia.

September 25, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Ecological risk assessment for effects of fishing: methods, and comparison across fisheries. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Tony D. Smith, Marine Research, CSIRO Australia.

September 08, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Is Invasion Biology Just Racism and Xenophobia Masquerading as Science?. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Daniel Simberloff, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee.

June 12, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Abundance, Distribution, and Feeding Ecology of Large Medusae in the California Current. See also Poster PDF.
Cynthia Suchman, NOAA Fisheries, Newport

June 05, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - From the Forest to the Sea (and Back Again): Salmon and Nutrients in the Oregon Coast Range. See also Poster PDF.
Jana Compton, National Health & Environmental Effects Laboratory, U.S. EPA, Corvallis

May 27, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Moving Toward Ecological Sustainability in Water Management. See also Poster PDF.
Brian D. Richter, Director, Freshwater Initiative, The Nature Conservancy

May 22, 2003

CANCELLED - Monster Seminar JAM. See also Poster PDF.
Alan Townsend, Dept. of Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado

May 15, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - The (Promise and) Limits of Ecosystem Based Management . See also Poster PDF.
Tim Essington, Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University

May 08, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Towards Establishing Patterns of Connectivity for Marine Populations: Geographic Structure in Pre-release Larval Elemental Signatures for Fish and Invertebrates. See also Poster PDF.
Jennifer Casell, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, U of California, Santa Barbara

May 01, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Dammed and Undammed: Construction and Removal of Dams in Wisconsin. See also Poster PDF.
Emily Stanley, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

April 24, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Challenges for Monitoring Species and Ecosystems in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuges (and Some Potential Solutions). See also Poster PDF.
Joel Reynolds, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage

April 18, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Stability & Diversity Revisited: The Long History of Human Impacts to Food Webs in the Gulf of Maine. See also Poster PDF.
Robert Steneck, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine

April 10, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Modification of Species Invasions by Other Anthropogenic Changes. See also Poster PDF.
Jennifer Ruesink, Department of Biology, University of Washington

April 03, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Foraging Costs of Marine Predators: Interspecific Contests in Dolphins and Lunging Behavior in Whales. See also Poster PDF.
Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, Department of Biology, Western Washington University

March 20, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Modelling the Effects of Habitat Change and Enrichment in Small Streams: Predicting Juvenile Salmonid Growth Rate Potential Using Bioenergetics.
Jordan Rosenfeld, B.C. Ministry of Fisheries

March 13, 2003

CANCELLED. Monster Seminar JAM - The Mauthner-initiated Fast-start in Teleost Fishes.
Robert Eaton, Dept. of Environmental, Population & Organismic Biol., Univ. of Colorado, Boulder

March 06, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Significance of Introgressive Hybridization for Evolution and Conservation: A Case Study from Catostomid Fishes. See also Poster PDF
Thomas Dowling, Department of Biology, Arizona State University

February 27, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Land Use and Instream Habitat: An Assessment of Their Relative Importance in Midwestern Streams. See also Poster PDF
David Allan, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

February 20, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Relating Ecosystem Processes to Hierarchical Landscape Structure. See also Poster PDF
Jiquan Chen, Landscape Ecol. & Ecosystem Sci., Earth Ecological & Environmental Sci., Univ. of Toled

February 13, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - The 1000 Year Fall of Salmon. See also Poster PDF
Dave Montgomery, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington

February 06, 2003

CWWS Annual Review.
2002 Center for Water and Watershed Studies Annual Review

January 30, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Public Participation and Watershed Planning: Defining . See also Poster PDF
Seth Tuler, Social and Environmental Research Institute, Clark University

January 23, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Chemical Habitat, Fish Health, and Conservation Medicine . See also Poster PDF
Nat Scholz, Environmental Conservation Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

January 16, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - An Integrative Approach Toward Understanding the Interactions Between Growth and Reproduction in Salmon. See also Poster PDF
Penny Swanson, Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

January 09, 2003

Monster Seminar JAM - Addressing Hydrologic Changes in Urbanizing Watersheds - Are We Inept, Misguided, or Actually Making Progress. See also Poster PDF.
Derek Booth, Center for Water and Watershed Studies, University of Washington

December 12, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Ecological and genetic consequences of the escape of farm salmon in the North Atlantic. See also Poster PDF.
Ian A. Fleming, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport Oregon, Oregon State University .

December 05, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Climate change and variability; observed and potential affects on inland waters. See also Poster PDF.
John J. Magnuson, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

November 18, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Selection on the immune system: Adaptation in estuarine fish populations to severe environmental stress. See also Poster PDF.
C. Sarah Cohen, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.

November 14, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Can science influence policy? A case study from California's Channel Islands. See also Poster PDF.
Satie Airame, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and PISCO.

November 07, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Calculation of release numbers for reintroduction programs: accounting for changes due to captivity. See also Poster PDF.
Emily Silverman, School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan

October 31, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - An All-H analysis: Assessing the relative impact of habitat quality, dams, harvest and hatchery production on salmon population trends. See also Poster PDF.
Jon Hoekstra, NRC Postdoc, NOAA Fisheries, NWFSC

October 24, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Analyzing time series data for threatened populations: Do density dependence and species interactions matter? . See also Poster PDF.
John Sabo, Department of Biology, Arizona State University

October 17, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - The Biggest Bang for the Buck Redux. See also Poster PDF.
Mark Plummer, NOAA Fisheries, NWFSC

October 10, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Tale of two drainages and H's of importance: The Grande Ronde and the John Day Basins. See also Poster PDF.
Hiram Li, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, USGS-BRD.

September 26, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Shifting Baselines: will it fly in Hollywood?. See also Poster PDF.
Randy Olson, University of Southern California.

June 07, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Why small herbivores eat toxic plants. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Mark Hay, Department of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology.

May 31, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - The emerging area of rainforest canopy research. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Nalini Nadkarni, The Evergreen State College.

May 24, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Variation, selection and evolution of function. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Joel Kingsolver, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina.

May 16, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Population genetic structure and hybridization in quillback and copper rockfish. See also Poster PDFs.
Dr. Peter Wimberger, Department of Biology, University of Puget Sound.

May 10, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Life history analysis for conservation and recovery planning. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Selina Heppell, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University.

May 01, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Marine Reserves: Persistence, Yield and Uncertainty. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Helen Regan, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.

April 25, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Methods for making decisions under uncertainty: applications for conservation. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Helen Regan, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.

April 19, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Behind the lens: a different view of spawning salmon. See also Poster PDF.
Manu Esteve, Department of Fisheries and Oceanography, University of Washington.

April 11, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Visual foraging models: Linking individual behavior to structure and function of pelagic piscivore-p. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. David Beauchamp, Department of Fisheries and Oceanography, University of Washington.

April 04, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Gender Benders: Endocrine disruption in fish in UK freshwaters -- The phenomenon and its consequence. See also Poster PDF.
Dr. Charles Tyler, The Hatherly Laboratories, University of Exeter.

March 28, 2002

Monster Seminar JAM - Biotic and abiotic factors that structure phylogeographic patterns in marine fish species. See also Poster PDF
Dr. Giacomo Bernardi, Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, U of California, Santa Cruz.

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