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Most Recent VideoCasts 

Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Strategies for Positional Cloning and Gene Discovery
Tuesday, February 23, 1999
Dennis Drayna (NIDCD, NIH)
Total Running Time: 01:31:14
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Mitochondrial Protein Import
Monday, February 22, 1999
NIH - Mitochondria Interest Group
Total Running Time: 00:39:19
Category: Mitochondria
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible."Genetic Mapping in Humans"
Tuesday, February 16, 1999
Ken Buetow (NCI, NIH)
Total Running Time: 01:31:09
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Transcription - Coupled Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage
Tuesday, February 16, 1999
Dr. Steven A. Leadon, University of North Carolina
Total Running Time: 01:03:59
Category: DNA Repair
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Imposing Specificity by Localization: Mechanism and Evolution
Wednesday, February 10, 1999
Mark S. Ptashne, Ph. D. - Sponsored by the NIH, Office of the Director
Total Running Time: 01:14:10
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
More information  Download
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Current Topics in Genome Analysis Series - "Genetic Mapping in Mouse"
Tuesday, February 09, 1999
Dr. Roger Reeves - Hosted by the National Human Genome Research Institute
Total Running Time: 01:29:31
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Reviews of Mitochondrial Genetics, Biogenesis and Disease
Monday, February 08, 1999
NIH - Hosted by the Mitochondria Interest Group
Total Running Time: 01:04:41
Category: Mitochondria
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.NIH Symposium on the Biology of Stress
Thursday, February 04, 1999
Sponsored by the National Institute of General Medical and the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Total Running Time: 06:18:03
Category: Special
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Current Topics in Genome Analysis - "Clone-based Physical Mapping"
Tuesday, February 02, 1999
NIH - NHGRI - Eric Green
Total Running Time: 01:40:46
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Studies of ATP flow through the mitochondrial channel, VDAC
Monday, February 01, 1999
NIH Mitochondria Interest Group - NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC: Dr. Tatiana Rostovtseva (NICHD)
Total Running Time: 01:00:55
Category: Mitochondria