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Conservation Biology Division

Conservation Biology Division

Dr. Michael Ford

CB Staff Directory
CB Org Chart

Population Biology
  Dr. Jeffrey J. Hard
     • Diversity
     • Salmon Recovery
     • Salmon Harvest

Genetics and Evolution
  Dr. Linda Park

Human Dimensions
  Dr. Mark Plummer

Marine Mammal
  Dr. Michael Ford

Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring
  Dr. Christopher Jordan

Research Publications
     • By year
     • By document type

Issue Papers
The Conservation Biology Division focuses on the preservation of biological diversity found in living marine resources. Many of the challenges society faces regarding biodiversity and the protection of endangered species require the development of novel approaches for determining how human and natural factors influence the viability of marine species. To meet these challenges, the Division has assembled a group of biologists from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, including risk analysis, genetics, evolutionary biology, ecology and population biology. As a group, the CB Division is dedicated to conducting research necessary to help address critical conservation needs, with the primary focus on the recovery of ESA-listed Pacific salmon populations and other depressed marine species.
More information about specific Conservation Biology Division research programs can be found in the Issue Papers.

Group photograph of the Conservation Biology Division members taken outdoors.

last modified 05/19/2008

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