About the Institute... 

The International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF), US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, was created in 1939 in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico.  As a scientific institution, the IITF is committed to research in tropical forestry and the transfer of technologies.  To address aspects of physical, social, and economic issues in managing tropical forests, the IITF has more than sixty years of experience in interdisciplinary research.  The IITF is involved in partnerships for policy and program coordination with many local government agencies as well as with non-government conservation organizations.  A recent and expanding effort provides guidance and financial incentives to  local authorities for projects in urban forestry.  Research partnerships exist with over fifty institutions.  Internationally, staff consultancies and research have occurred in virtually all of the Caribbean Island, Mexico, Central America, South America, and parts of tropical Asia.



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