Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications

RMRS Online Publication - Journal Articles, External Publications, and Special Reports
Integrating social science into forestry in the wildland/urban interface

Brooks, Jeffrey J.; Brenkert, Hannah; Serby, Judy E.; Champ, Joseph G.; Simons, Tony; Williams, Daniel R. 2006. Integrating social science into forestry in the wildland/urban interface. Fire management Today. 66(2): 35-43.

A different kind of storm--neither fire nor wind--brought 60 forestry practitioners who work in wildfire risk prevention and several social science researchers together near Lyons, CO. Brainstorm. This unique retreat--a meeting of the minds--commingled these two groups to share and tackle ideas concerning social issues that shape decisions and behaviors regarding wildland fire risk mitigation across Colorado's wildland/urban interface communities.

Keywords: wildfires, social sciences, wildland/urban interface, Colorado

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Title: RMRS Other Publications: Integrating social science into forestry in the wildland/urban interface
Electronic Publish Date: August 30, 2007
Last Update:
August 30, 2007

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