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The FSM Wins First Ever Medal in World Competition

(Extract from the The Kaselehlie Press, October 11, 2006)  Manuel Minginfel of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, won a silver medal at the 2006 IWF World Weightlifting Championships in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on October 1, 2006.  Against 41 competitors in his division, from over 30 different countries, he lifted 61.8kg (136 lbs) in the clean and jerk competition and is the first-ever athlete from the FSM to win a medal at any World Championship in any sport.

Minginfel has become the highest internationally ranked weightlifter from the Oceania region, including Australia and New Zealand.  His performance in Santo Domingo has qualified him for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

For more information please contact The Kaselehlie Press at kpress@mail.fm.











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Last Updated on 10/13/06