Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

CanVis - A Basic Visualization Tool

Use this free software to investigate potential visual impacts from coastal development. Download your coastal background and insert the objects (hotel, house, dock, marina, and other objects) of your choosing.

CanVis was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agroforestry Center. The NOAA Coastal Services Center expanded the tool to include coastal objects.

Use CanVis to visualize cumulative impacts

Puget Sound BeforePuget Sound After

CanVis can also be used to visualize sea level rise

Charleston BeforeCharleston After

For more examples, go to Applications.

Need help or additional information?

CanVis is easy and intuitive to use, but if you need a little extra help, check out these resources:

The NOAA Coastal Services Center provides the following aids: virtual presentations; three-hour, regularly scheduled virtual workshops; and in-house workshops to walk you through the software. These are all free of charge. For more information see the Workshop page.

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