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An abundance of great resources, references, websites, etc.

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Alaskan Plant ID Guide
A beautifully illustrated 192 page Chugach National Forest Plant Identification Guide from Alaska. A great resource for your Celebrating WIldflowers activities. [PDF: 5.7 mb]
Bat Information
Resources for bat infomation from Bat Conservation International. Five pages. [PDF: 89 kb]
Boom Boom Boom
A classic document from the Technology and Development Program. Not exactly a NatureWatch experience but it's a tough job, and somebody has to do it. [PDF: 675 kb]
Cats Indoors Campaign

A 26 page hands-on "Keeping Cats Indoors" campaign guide. Contributed by the American Bird Conservancy. [PDF: 5 mb]

Cats Indoors - Wildlife Impacts
An excellent full-color slide show on Cat Predation on Wildlife from the American Bird Conservancy. You may consider presenting this at a brown bag lunch, or other public/partner forum. It appears many people are not aware of this serious problem. [PDF: 6 mb]
Creating Vernal Ponds
Here is a complete how-to guide done in cooperation with the Forest Service, Ducks Unlimited, and the Izaac Walton League. Full color and 37 pages. Many thanks to Thomas R. Biebighauser, USFS, for contributing this material. [PDF: 2.3 mb]
Education Boxes - Bats, Trees, Aquatics
Educational trunks and boxes are an effective way to collect and communicate valuable information about nature. This 19 page document provides ideas and souces to build your own, and even use these particular boxes if you are near Salmon, Idaho. The boxes featured here are for Trees, Bats, and Aquatic resources. Contributed by the folks at the Salmon-Challis National Forest. [PDF: 196 kb]
Environmental Education Alaska
An excellent 32 page guide developed to further Alaska Natural Resources and Outdoor Education's goals of encouraging excellence in education, helping educators meet standards, and integrating environmental education programs into school district curricula. A great resource worth a good look! [PDF: 1 mb]
Environmental Education Newsletter
A wonderful newsletter produced by the Alaska Natural Resource and Outdoor Education Association. A special section on their website is included. Eight pages. [PDF: 411 kb]
Environmental Project Action Guide
All the tools you need to get a Environmental Action Project underway. Sample letters to partners, budget worksheets, etc. This would be a handy guide to share with your partners who are eager to get something done! 34 pages. Thanks to Project Learning Tree and the American Forests Foundation for the contribution. [PDF: 739 kb]
Environment Based Education Report
Very interesting information on how environment-based education is used to advance learning skills and character development. A report from the North American Association for Environmental Education and the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation. Information like this is invaluable to add an element of legitimacy to your NatureWatch Program. 34 pages. [PDF: 440 kb]
Environment Based Education
This report consists of a collection of case studies of schools in Texas, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kentucky, and Florida that are using the environment to motivate students to learn, and bring new life and meaning into their school experience. These studies document current evidence supporting the premise that, compared to traditional educational approaches, environmental-based education improves academic performance across the curriculum. 56 pages. Complete with case studies. [PDF: 451 kb]
Everyones Nature
A few pages from the new "Everyone's Nature" booklet on Accessible Outdoor Facilities and Programs Using Universal Design. Available from Watchable Wildlife Inc. [PDF: 6 mb]
Florida Alphabet Coloring Book
Fun and educational coloring book with great artwork. [PDF: 2.5 mb]
Florida Beaches Coloring Book
All about the grizzlies at Fish Creek [PDF: 4.2 mb]
Florida Birding Trail
Eight wonderful pages on the Great Florida Birding Trail. An excellent piece from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. [PDF: 2.6 mb]
FS National Fishing Week Banner
Here is a banner you can use for your National Fishing Week events. The banner is 2 X 6 feet in size and is printed on a sturdy waterproof material, with grommets for hanging. Contact Don Virgovic if you would like one. About $100.00. It should last a very long time. [PDF: 41 kb]
FS Purchase Materials
FS regulations regarding purchase of educational materials for NatureWatch. [PDF: 15 kb]
Growing Popularity of Birding
Read all about the growing popularity of Birding. 8 pages of very valuable information. Graphs and pictures included. [PDF: 766 kb]
Idaho Wildlife Guide
Watchable Wildlife Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to Watching Wildlife. The new Idaho Wildlife Viewing Guide is the latest edition of the full set of State-based Wildlife Viewing Guides. Check out these sample pages and contact Watchable Wildlife Inc for the complete Idaho guide, other state viewing guides, and a wide array of valuable products to round out your NatureWatch Program development. [PDF: 9 mb]
Interpretive Media Flyer
A very nice one-page flyer from a Forest Service Enterprise Team. Clear and concise. Check it out and consider using them for your NatureWatch Program needs. [PDF: 120 kb]
Manatee Bumper Sticker
Gotta have one! [PDF: 1 mb]
Manatee Coloring Activity Book
Like Manatees? Here is a 14 page coloring and activity book that kids will love. Use it ,or use it as an idea to develop something in your area. Produced by the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Departnient of Environmental Protection. [PDF: 816 kb]
National Inquirer
If you have not seen the Forest Service Conservation Education "National Inquirer" its about time you took a look at this exemplary publication. Informative and fun! 60 pages. [PDF: 4.1 mb]
North American Bird Reference Book
A visionary, multimedia CD-ROM experience for bird lovers, the North American Bird Reference Book is the bird lover's ULTIMATE information source. This multimedia software application was developed for all bird enthusiasts and features natural history accounts, photographs, songs, range maps, and Internet access addressing all 922 North American bird species. [PDF: 326 kb]
North Dakota Birding Drives
An outstanding 12-page guide to birding drives in North and South Dakota. Check it out. [PDF: 16 mb]
Owl Information
Four wonderful pages on Owls from the National Audubon Society. Take NatureWatch into the night! [PDF: 411 kb]
Rainforest Slide Show
A beautiful slide presenation on the Alaskan Rainforest. 21 pages of dreamy pictures and interesting information. Thanks to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for this contribution. [PDF: 1.4 mb]
Regional Overview
A great overview of a great Forest Service Region - Alaska. 48 pages. It would be more complete with a section on NatureWatch and the economic impacts it brings to Alaska. Keep this in mind for future documents of this nature. [PDF: 2.2 mb]
Shorebird Materials Directory
An outstanding directory of shorebird education materials. All you need. Complete with website links. 12 pages. [PDF: 73 kb]
Smokey Bear Posters
Smokey Bear posters are always hard to find. Here is the complete set, in miniature, thanks to our folks in Conservation Education. Fantastic illustrations. Smokey loves NatureWatch too! Fifteen pages. [PDF: 18 mb]
Virginia Lilly Old Growth Trail
A very nice black and white interpretive guide for an old-growth trail in Washington. Thanks to the Wenatchee/Okanogan National Forest. 11 pages. [PDF: 7.4 mb]
Virginia Wildlife Trail
A superb 14-page guide to birding and wildlife trails in Virginia. Full color photographs and illustrations. [PDF: 7.3 mb]
Vital Wetlands
A beautifully illustrated 20-page booklet on wetlands from the Lake County Water Authority of Florida. [PDF: 9.3 mb]
Watchable Wildlife Signs
You know you are going to need this one day. Now you know where to find it. [PDF: 1.5 mb]
Website Structure Evaluation
Is your website structured to be an effective communication medium? Check out this helpful 15 page document to get you on the right track. Very helpful information if you are planning a website or have the need to restructure what you already have. Thanks to the Environmental Education and Training Partnership and The Ohio State University for this contribution. [PDF: 112 kb]
Weed Identification Flyers
Beautiful pictures and well-written text makes this 14 page document on invasive plants a handy resource. Full color. [PDF: 2 mb]
Wildlife, Recreation, Nature Tourism Certificate
Considering a new career path? Check this out. A new graduate-level training program in the field of wildlife viewing and nature-based tourism from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Eight pages. [PDF: 8 mb]
Z1 -- Salmon Steak
A poster or ad from EcoTrust... "What lurks behind that farmed salmon steak?" [PDF: 6.2 mb]
Z2 -- Energy
A poster or ad from EcoTrust... "What's the real price of a gallon of gas?" [PDF: 4.8 mb]
Z3 -- Buy Local
A poster or ad from EcoTrust... "Buy local and live free" [PDF: 775 kb]
Z4 -- Salmon Nation
Excellent 3-page publication from EcoTrust about salmon. [PDF: 2.3 mb]
Z5 -- The Commons
Another great publication from EcoTrust. [PDF: 1 mb]
Z6 -- Forest Stewardship Council
From EcoTrust... "To save a forest, cut here..." [PDF: 1.9 mb]
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