This is a sample of the cards and letters written by students of Ligon Middle School, Raleigh, North Carolina, to students who were victims of Hurricane Georges.

know that you are probably scared because when Hurricane Fran came (here) I was very scared. I thought we were going to lose our house and everything. But we survived Hurricane Fran. I am writing and making this card for you and your family because I care. Remember - never give up your hope and faith.
Your friend, Sharita

ear Reader, My name is Ashley. I've seen as well as heard about the damage caused by Hurricane Georges. I just wanted to let you know that the people in North Carolina as well as all over the world, want to let you know that our hearts and prayers are with you.
Sincerely, a Survivor.

Dear Citizens of Puerto Rico - I know what you're going through. I was in Hurricane Andrew. Everything will be all right and it really will be OK. P.S. Hope you stay safe!
Sincerely, Daniel

ear Citizens of Puerto Rico - I hope you feel better soon after the hurricane. Eventually everything will be back to normal. It may take a few months to restore everything, but we are thinking of you.
Sincerely, Clayton

Dear Amigo - I hear that you are getting hit pretty darn bad by Hurricane Georges. Just keep you head up because things usually turn out all right. A couple of years back we were hit by Hurricane Fran. There was a lot of damage afterwards. Lots of people lost their homes. But with the help of the National Guard and FEMA and the Red Cross, we were able to get things cleaned up in only a month or so.
Sincerely, Patrick

ear Friends in Puerto Rico - One of my teachers graduated high school in Puerto Rico. He said that it was a wonderful place. I am from Raleigh, North Carolina, and I am 12 years old. I live pretty close to the Atlantic Ocean so whenever a hurricane comes, we must watch very carefully. Over the past few years or so we have had many hurricanes. I hope your life will get back to normal as quickly as mine did.
Your friend, Sirima

Dear Friend, I am very sorry to hear about your predicament. I went through the same thing about two years ago. It will be a little hectic for the first two or three weeks and then you start to get into your old schedule. We sustained a large amount of damage from Hurricane Fran, but we put the parts together very quickly afterward. All I can say is it will get better.

ear Friend, In 1996, Hurricane Fran ripped through our city of Raleigh. It devastated many homes, not to mention lives. So, as you can see, I can relate, though not totally because of the difference in damage. Your whole island was ripped apart, while my city was left with mild damage. With this letter, I hope to give you some hope of recovery. Your people can and will pull through.
Your Pal, Marlee

Dear Student: I would like to say that I feel sorry for you. I know how you feel. When Hurricane Fran came, a tree fell on my house. I moved somewhere else. I send my wishes to you and your family. It will get better while time goes on.
Sincerely, Viren

ear Friend, I would like to apologize for all the damage Hurricane Georges has done. I can't imagine how hard it must be right now. About two years ago, there was a Hurricane Fran. It left behind many things destroyed. North Carolina has rebuilt and now it looks as if it wasn't hit! After a while, things will get better.
Sincerely, Stevens

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