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Life Sciences

Anthrax relatives non-friendly but non-lethal
May 10 — A Los Alamos National Laboratory team working as part of the U. S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute has explored the genomes of non-lethal bacteria closely related to the cause of anthrax, Bacillus anthracis.

Los Alamos tracks influenza genetic codes
November 4 — In the same way that the FBI archives the fingerprints of criminals nationwide, Los Alamos National Laboratory archives the genetic codes for influenza strains worldwide.

Bioforensics Analysis Research and Development Center created at Los Alamos
August 29 — In October 2001, "anthrax- letters" laden with B. anthracis bacteria spores appeared in various locations around the nation. To help authorities trace the source of the deadly letters, bioforensic analysts, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists among them, worked diligently to pinpoint the specific strain of bacteria used.

Los Alamos speaker at AAAS addresses pathogen detection for biodefense
February 10 — Saying that "in spite of the developments in both DNA technologies and antibody-based detection strategies, the reality today is that infections are not detected until people get sick," according to Los Alamos National Laboratory Bioscience Division Leader Jill Trewhella. Trewhella will speak at a proteomics seminar at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Seattle. The session, "Networking Proteins in Biology and Medicine," is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 14.

Laboratory reaches settlement in tissue analysis case
October 3 — The plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit that involved a long-term tissue analysis program at Los Alamos National Laboratory have reached a settlement agreement with the University of California, which manages the Laboratory for the Department of Energy. The study, which used tissues from autopsies conducted primarily at Los Alamos Medical Center, began in 1959 and ended in 1980.

Lab requests environmental assessment on Bioscience facility
February 12 — The Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory has taken an important step in evaluating the possibility of adding additional capability for biological research.


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