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Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II

 Coral Histopathology II Report
Click on the image to download the full report (pdf, 8MB)

Abstract: The coral histopathology workshop was convened to establish a framework to systematically study coral pathologies by drawing upon the field of diagnostic medicine and pathology while using generally accepted nomenclature.  The report contains a description of a study set of histology slides used in reaching consensus histopathological descriptions for selected coral lesions representing 15 types of field diagnosis, 9 presumed disease conditions, and 8 scleractinian and 1 gorgonian species.  Supportive information was developed during the group discussions and is provided in the report:  coral anatomy descriptions and figures, a description of the approach to coral tissue histopathological examination, a recommended format for describing the histology and histopathology of coral tissue, and a glossary of coral anatomy and histopathology terms with relevant references.

Keywords:  CDHC; workshop; coral histology; coral histopathology; coral anatomy; Acropora cervicornis; Acropora cytherea; Acropora palmata; Acropora prolifera; Dichocoenia stokesii; Gorgonia ventalina; Montastraea annularis; Montastraea faveolata; Siderastrea siderea; White patch; White band; White plague; Dark spots; Yellow blotch; Growth anomaly; Aspergillosis; Black band disease; Snail predation; lesion; necrosis; pyknosis; karyorrhexis; nematodes; bacterial aggregates; cellular debris; autolysis; hyperplasia; cyanobacteria; fungi; ciliates; arthropods; gastrodermal sloughing; epidermal sloughing; endolithic mycosis; endolithic fungi; gastrovascular canals.

Full citation:  Galloway SB, Work TM, Bochsler VS, Harley RA, Kramarsky-Winters E, McLaughlin SM, Meteyer CU, Morado JF, Nicholson JH, Parnell PG, Peters EC, Reynolds TL, Rotstein DS, Sileo L, and  Woodley CM. 2007. Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II.  NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 56 and NOAA Technical Memorandum CRCP 4. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD. 84p.

Coral Disease and Health Workshop: Coral Histopathology II  (full report, pdf 8MB):

Front Cover (pdf, 2.26MB)

About this document, Table of Contents ( pdf, 67KB)

Executive Summary and Preface ( pdf, 255KB)

Introduction including a discussion of the anatomy of
coral and Fig. 1a-c
 (pdf, 855KB)

Fig. 2a-d (pdf, 459KB)

Fig. 3, Fig. 4, and Histopathological Examination of Coral Guidelines
( pdf, 630KB)

Histopathological Descriptions for Selected Coral Lesions (Slides 1-5)
( pdf, 777KB)

Histopathological Descriptions for Selected Coral Lesions (Slides 6-10)
( pdf, 1.36MB)

Histopathological Descriptions for Selected Coral Lesions (Slides 11-15)
( pdf, 915KB)

Summary, Recommendations and Acknowledgements ( pdf, 85KB)

Glossary of Coral Anatomy and Histopathology Terms, and References
( pdf, 190KB)

Agenda and Participants List ( pdf, 242KB)

Back cover pages ( pdf, 921KB)


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