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Office of Response and Restoration Web Sites
office of response and restoration page
Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)
This Web site highlights NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration mission to protect coastal and marine resources, mitigate threats, reduce harm, and restore ecological functions that have been harmed by the effects of oil and hazardous materials spills in coastal waters. The site provides information about contaminants, tools and information for emergency responders, restoration planning tools and restoration highlights, and community outreach materials.

Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration page
Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program
NOAA's Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP) Web site highlights DARRP's collaboration with other agencies, industry, and citizens to protect coastal and marine resources, respond to pollution incidents, assess risk and injuries, and restore those resources when injured. This site provides in-depth case studies and of oil spills, hazardous substances releases, and vessel groundings and subsequent assessments and restoration projects.

Estuarine Restoration Act Web site

The Estuary Restoration Act and NOAA
This site provides information on activities mandated by the Estuary Restoration Act (ERA), as well as related projects and resources that serve to support the goal of restoring one million acres of estuarine habitat. These resources include a restoration plan database and A National Strategy to Restore Coastal and Estuarine Habitat, a companion document to the ERA Council Strategy published by Restore America's Estuaries.

Marine Debris Program
NOAA Marine Debris Program
The NOAA Marine Debris Program Web site serves as an outreach tool to coordinate, strengthen, and increase the visibility of marine debris issues and efforts within the agency, its partners, and the public. This site highlights the program’s undertaking to provide a national and international effort focusing on identifying, reducing, and preventing debris in the marine environment.


Marine Debris Program
CAMEO Chemicals
CAMEO Chemicals is an online library of more than 6,000 data sheets containing response-related information and recommendations for hazardous materials that are commonly transported, used, and/or stored in the United States. CAMEO Chemicals also contains the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet, which you can use to predict potential reactive hazards between chemicals of concern.


Marine Debris Program
Chemical Response Tool
Developed by NOAA in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard, the Chemical Response Tool site identifies hazardous substances, assesses their hazards, and assists responders with the planning or management of a response. The site is also a companion quick reference for CAMEO Chemicals.


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America's Oceans and Coasts: safe, healthy, and productive

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | U.S. Department of Commerce |