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Stormwater Management

Retrofitting, state stormwater manuals and many guides to manage stormwater! Find more resources on our Stormwater Manager's Resource Center.

Post-Construction Guidance Other National/Regional Guidance CDs State SW Manuals Practice Articles Links


Post-Construction Guidance Manual and Tools

Man 3 cover

Managing Stormwater in Your Community: A Guide for Building an Effective Post-Construction Program
Authors: David J. Hirschman, CWP, and John Kosco, P.E., Tetra Tech, Inc. Released: July 2008
Complete Manual (22MB)

This guide provides stormwater professionals with practical guidance, insights, and tools to build effective programs. The guide is accompanied by several downloadable “tools.” The tools are designed to be used and modified by local stormwater managers to help with program implementation and can be downloaded individually below.
The manual is also provided here in individual sections (also as PDF pdf) for easier download.

Cover, TOC, Glossary

Ch 1: Introduction and Background

Ch 2: Post-Construction Program Development

Ch 3: Land Use Planning as the First Bmp:

Ch 4: Developing a Stormwater Management Approach and Criteria

Ch 5: Developing a Post-Construction Stormwater Ordinance

Ch 6: Developing Stormwater Guidance Manuals

Ch 7: The Stormwater Plan Review Process

Ch 8: Inspection of Permanent Stormwater BMPs During Construction

Ch 9: Developing a Maintenance Program

Ch 10: Tracking, Monitoring, and Evaluation



Managing Stormwater in Your Community TOOLS

Tool 1: Stormwater Program Self-Assessment pdf
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008

The desired outcome for conducting this self-assessment is to generate short-term and long-term action items to build a more effective program. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 2: Program & Budget Planning Tool
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008
Tool pdf Program Spreadsheet

The program & budget planning tool is a spreadsheet tool that is meant to assist stormwater managers with program planning, goal setting, and phasing. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 3: Post-Construction Stormwater Model Ordinance
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008
Model Ordinance pdf Model Ordinance

Provides a MENU of code language for local, regional, and/or state stormwater programs to use to craft or update their ordinances. The ordinance is written so that individual sections can be lifted out and modified to suit individual program needs. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 4: Code and Ordinance Worksheet pdf
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008

The Code and Ordinance Worksheet allows an in-depth review of the standards, ordinances, and codes (i.e., the development rules) that shape how development occurs in your community. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 5: Stormwater Manual Builder
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008
Instructions and Overview pdf Manual Builder Spreadsheet

This tool is intended to provide local stormwater managers with references to most useful existing stormwater guidance manuals and quick links to the most detailed and up-to-date information on particular post-construction stormwater management topics. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 6: Plan Review, BMP Construction, and Maintenance Checklists
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008
Instructions and Overview pdf Construction Checklist excel Maintenance Checklist excel Plan Review Checklist excel

The checklists in this tool are designed to be used by stormwater program managers, design consultants, plan reviewers, inspectors, and parties responsible for maintenance. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

Tool 7: Performance Bond Tool
Authors: Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2008
Performance Bond Tool pdf Performance Bond Tool (editable forms) word Sample Bond Estimating Worksheet

This tool is intended to provide local stormwater managers with basic information regarding performance bonds. It introduces to performance bonds, provides sample performance bond forms, sample performance bond instructions and a bond estimator spreadsheet. Part of the Post-Construction Guidance Manual.

National/Regional Guidance

Man 3 cover

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices (Version 1.0)
T. Schueler, D. Hirschman, M. Novotney, J. Zielinski Released: 2007
Download for Free: Manual 3 Appendices

Outlines the basics of retrofits, describes the 13 unique locations where they can be found, and presents rapid methods to find, design and deliver retrofits to meet a wide range of subwatershed objectives. The manual contains updated costs for retrofit practices, updated pollutant removal data for stormwater treatment options, a design point method to estimate individual retrofit removal rates, and practical tips to support the design, permitting and construction of retrofit projects. In short, the manual provides all the resources needed to develop an effective local retrofit program. Hardcopy will be available soon.

Runoff Reduction Method Technical Memo
Center for Watershed Protection and Chesapeake Stormwater Network Released: 2008

This memo uses extensive background research on BMP performance to determine the ability for the BMP to reduce the overall volume of runoff in addition to pollutant removal. The method also incorporates built-in incentives for environmental site design, such as preserving forests and reducing soil disturbance and impervious cover.

National Pollutant Removal Performance Database Technical Brief (Version 3.0)
Authors: L. Fraley-McNeal, T. Schueler, R. Winer Released: 2008
Technical Memo for Version 3 PDF and original Microsoft Access file MS Access

The National Pollutant Removal Performance Database v. 2 was recently updated to include an additional 27 studies published through 2006. The updated database was statistically analyzed to derive the median and quartile removal values for each major group of stormwater BMPs. The data are presented as box and whisker plots for the various pollutants found in stormwater runoff.

National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices, version 2 PDF
R. Winer Released: 2000

The second edition modifies, clarifies, and expands upon the original National Database of BMP Pollutant Removal Performance. This comprehensive report contains summaries of more than 135 urban pollutant removal monitoring studies. Includes a statistical and graphical comparison of removal rates for six groups of stormwater management practices: ponds, wetlands, open channels, filters, infiltration and on-site devices. In addition, key research gaps in terms of parameters and practices are identified.

The National Stormwater Quality Database, Version 1.1: A Compilation and Analysis of NPDES Stormwater Monitoring Information
A. Maestre, and R. Pitt, University of Alabama; and Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2005, v.3 database 2008

The National Stormwater Quality Database v. 1.1 (NSQD) contains selected water quality information from the monitoring carried out as part of the U.S. EPA’s NPDES Phase I stormwater permit applications and subsequent permits, during the period of 1992 to 2002. This database contains about 3,765 events from 360 sites in 65 communities from throughout the U.S. (9MB PDF) Added: v. 3 Database External Site Link Version 3 documents 8,602 rain events (more than double the previous version of the database) from 104 cities, representing all 9 EPA rain zones and 12 land uses.

The Economics of Stormwater BMPs in the Mid-Atlantic Region PDF
W. Brown, T. Schueler Released: 1997

This report presents cost data (1996-97) for urban stormwater practices, updates cost prediction equations, and assesses the cost-effectiveness of the BMPs most commonly used in the MidAtlantic region, including dry ED ponds, wet ponds, wetlands, sand filters, etc.

Design of Stormwater Filtering Systems
R. Claytor, T. Schueler Released: 1996

Explores ten filter designs used to treat stormwater runoff, including bioretention, sand filters, and grass swales. Provides detailed schematics and design criteria for stormwater management, along with alternative design configurations, sizing guidance, and easy to follow step-by-step design examples. Describes the most applicable development conditions for each filter, and outlines key feasibility factors. Illustrated with over 50 figures and 60 tables.

Stormwater Management Pond Design Example for Extended Detention Wet Pond
R. Claytor, Jr. Released: 1995

This 73-page stormwater management pond design example sets forth a step-by-step approach for the design of a stormwater management wet extended detention pond in the mid-Atlantic piedmont region of the United States.

Slideshow CDs

Approaches to Stormwater Treatment CD
R. Claytor, D. Caraco, H. Kwon, T. Schueler, R. Winer Released: 2001
Cost: $25 Add to Cart

Contains three presentations about the design and implementation of stormwater treatment practices: A Review of Stormwater Treatment Practices, The Sizing of Stormwater Treatment Practices, and Choosing the Right Stormwater Treatment Practice. PC/Mac compatible. PowerPoint a requirement for running on Mac OS.

Stormwater Practice Design Slideshow CD
Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2002
Cost: $25 Add to Cart

Contains five presentations about the design and implementation of several types of stormwater treatment practices: filtering, infiltration, open channels, aquatic buffers, and ponds and wetlands.

State Stormwater Manuals

Georgia Stormwater Manual external site
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Center for Watershed Protection, Debo and Associates, Jordan Jones and Goulding, Atlanta Regional Commission Released: 2001

Georgia Stormwater website links to both Volumes of the Georgia Stormwater Manual - Volume 1: Stormwater Policy Guidebook is a policy document designed to provide guidance on the basic principles of effective stormwater management for Georgia communities. Volume 2: Technical Handbook is a technical engineering handbook for implementing stormwater management measures for new development and redevelopment.

New York Stormwater Management Design Manual External Site
Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2003

Provides designers with a general overview on how to size, design, select, and locate stormwater management practices at a development site to comply with State stormwater performance standards. This manual is a key component of the Phase II State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) general permit for stormwater runoff from construction activities from all sizes of disturbance.

Minnesota Stormwater Management Design Manual External Site Link
Emmons & Olivier Resources, Center for Watershed Protection Released: 2006

The Center worked with Minnesota-based Emmons & Olivier Resources, a large committee of state regulators, and other stakeholders to craft the Minnesota Stormwater Manual, the most comprehensive one in the Upper Midwest to date. This manual provides an updated discussion of cold climate issues as they influence design of stormwater practices, like the challenge of high snowfall, springtime snowmelt, and Minnesota’s thousands of sensitive lakes, trout streams, and wetlands that merit special protection. The related issue papers, also from this site, introduced new stormwater concepts to the state, such as unified sizing criteria, special receiving water performance standards, and stormwater credits.

2002 Vermont Stormwater Manuals
Center for Watershed Protection, Aquafor Beech, Ltd. and Step by Step Released: 2002

Volume I Volume II

The Practice of Watershed Protection Articles

Below are articles from The Practice of Watershed Protection that pertain specifically to this topic. To purchase the hardbound book or CD of these articles, please visit our store. For citing these articles, add the article author and title to the following: The Practice of Watershed Protection. 2000. T. Schueler and H. Holland, eds. Center for Watershed Protection. Ellicott City, MD. Authors of each individual article can be found underneath the title in the file.

Intro to Stormwater

63. Why Stormwater Matters
64. Comparative Pollutant Removal Capability of Stormwater Treatment Practices
65. Irreducible Pollutant Concentrations Discharged From Stormwater Practices
67. Microbes and Urban Watersheds: Ways to Kill `Em
68. The Economics of Stormwater Treatment: An Update
69. Trends in Managing Stormwater Utilities

Stormwater Pond/Wetlands

70. Pond/Wetland System Proves Effective in New Zealand
66. Stormwater Strategies for Arid and Semiarid Watersheds
71. Performance of Stormwater Ponds and Wetlands in Winter
72. Performance of a Stormwater Pond/Wetland System in Colorado
73. Performance of Two Wet Ponds in the Piedmont of North Carolina
74. Performance of Stormwater Ponds in Central Texas
75. Pollutant Removal Dynamics of Three Canadian Wet Ponds
76. A Tale of Two Regional Wet Extended Detention Ponds
77. Performance of a Dry Extended Pond in North Carolina
78. Influence of Groundwater on Performance of Stormwater Ponds in Florida
79. Environmental Impact of Stormwater Ponds
80. Pollutant Dynamics of Pond Muck
81. The Pond Premium
82. Water Reuse Ponds Developed in Florida
83. Trace Metal Bio-accumulation in the Aquatic Community of Stormwater Ponds
84. Human and Amphibian Preferences for Dry and Wet Stormwater Pond Habitat
85. Dragonfly Naiads as an Indicator of Pond Water Quality
86. Establishing Wildflower Meadows in New Jersey Detention Basins
87. Persistence of Wetland Plantings Along the Aquatic Bench of Stormwater Ponds
88. Return to Lake McCarrons
89. Nutrient Dynamics and Plant Diversity in Stormwater Wetlands
90. Adequate Treatment Volume Critical in Virginia Stormwater Wetland
91. Pollutant Removal by Constructed Wetlands in an Illinois River Floodplain
92. Pollutant Dynamics Within Stormwater Wetlands: I. Plant Uptake
93. Pollutant Dynamics Within Stormwater Wetlands: II. Organic Matter
94. Pollutant Removal Capability of a "Pocket" Wetland
95. Performance of Gravel-based Wetland in a Cold, High Altitude Climate
96. The StormTreat System: A New Technology for Treating Stormwater Runoff
97. Vegetated Rock Filters Used to Treat Stormwater Pollutants in Florida
98. Practical Tips for Establishing Freshwater Wetlands
99. Broad-leaf Arrowhead: A Workhorse of the Wetlands
100. Mosquitos in Constructed Wetlands: A Management Bugaboo?

BMP Infiltration

101. Failure Rates of Infiltration Practices Assessed in Maryland
102. Longevity of Infiltration Basins Assessed in Puget Sound
103. A Second Look at Porous Pavement/Underground Recharge
104. The Risk of Groundwater Contamination from Infiltration of Stormwater
105. Developments in Sand Filter Technology to Treat Stormwater Runoff
106. Further Developments in Sand Filter Technology
107. Performance of Delaware Sand Filter Assessed
108. Field Evaluation of a Stormwater Sand Filter
109. Innovative Leaf Compost System Used to Filter Runoff in Northwest
110. Bioretention as a Stormwater Treatment Practice
111. Multi-Chamber Treatment Train Developed for Stormwater Hot Spots
112. Performance of Biofilters in the Pacific Northwest
113. Runoff and Groundwater Dynamics of Two Swales in Florida
114. Performance of Grassed Swales Along East Coast Highways
115. Pollutant Removal Pathways in Florida Swales
116. Ditches or Biological Filters? Classifying Pollutant Removal in Open Channels
117. Performance of Dry and Wet Biofilters Investigated in Seattle
118. Level Spreader/Filter Strip System Assessed in Virginia
119. Performance of Oil/Grit Separators in Removing Pollutants at Small Sites
120. Performance of a Proprietary Stormwater Treatment Device: The Stormceptor
121. New Developments in Street Sweeper Technology



Bioretention Performance, Design, Construction, and Maintenance pdf

From NC State University's BAE Stormwater Engineering Group – a concise treatment of monitoring results on bioretention practices. It also discusses some design considerations, and how filter media can be changed to address various nutrients.

Permeable Pavement: Research Update and Design Implications pdf

A comprehensive fact sheet on permeable pavements, from NC State University



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