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Earth and Environmental Sciences

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"Global and regional environmental issues and competition for energy supplies, coupled with continuing national security issues, mean a growing demand for new knowledge and new technologies related to the Earth, its ecosystems, and its atmosphere."

  • Division Leader (acting)
    James Bossert
  • Deputy Division Leader
    Cathy Wilson


The Earth and Environmental Sciences, EES Division is responsible for multidisciplinary basic and applied research in atmospheric, environmental, and solid earth phenomena important to national security, environmental quality, and energy security. EES includes the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, which supports basic research in astrophysics; geophysics; and oceanic, atmospheric, and magnetospheric sciences.


  • Atmospheric/Oceanic Sciences
  • Computational Science/Mathematics
  • Ecology
  • Geochemistry/
  • Geology
  • Geophysics/Seismology
  • Hydrology
  • National Security Science/Technology
  • Technical Leadership/Management


EES applies its expertise to help the Department of Energy fulfill its mission responsibilities, transfer technology to U.S. industry, expand scientific knowledge, and develop new technologies. We emphasize teamwork and collaboration with other Laboratory organizations and with scientists and engineers in universities and the private sector.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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