/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:37:08 Jan 12, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 23:03:21 Jun 4, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /** * jQuery Plugin highlightFade (jquery.offput.ca/highlightFade) * (c) 2006 Blair Mitchelmore (offput.ca) blair@offput.ca */ /** * This is version 0.7 of my highlightFade plugin. It follows the yellow fade technique of Web 2.0 fame * but expands it to allow any starting colour and allows you to specify the end colour as well. * * For the moment, I'm done with this plug-in. Unless I come upon a really cool feature it should have * this plug-in will only receive updates to ensure future compatibility with jQuery. * * As of now (Aug. 16, 2006) the plugin has been written with the 1.0.1 release of jQuery (rev 249) which * is available from https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090112123708/http://jquery.com/src/jquery-1.0.1.js * * A note regarding rgb() syntax: I noticed that most browsers implement rgb syntax as either an integer * (0-255) or percentage (0-100%) value for each field, that is, rgb(i/p,i/p,i/p); however, the W3C * standard clearly defines it as "either three integer values or three percentage values" [https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090112123708/http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html] * which I choose to follow despite the error redundancy of the typical behaviour browsers employ. * * Changelog: * * 0.7: * - Added the awesome custom attribute support written by George Adamson (slightly modified) * - Removed bgColor plugin dependency seeing as attr is customizable now... * 0.6: * - Abstracted getBGColor into its own plugin with optional test and data retrieval functions * - Converted all $ references to jQuery references as John's code seems to be shifting away * from that and I don't want to have to update this for a long time. * 0.5: * - Added simple argument syntax for only specifying start colour of event * - Removed old style argument syntax * - Added 'interval', 'final, and 'end' properties * - Renamed 'color' property to 'start' * - Added second argument to $.highlightFade.getBGColor to bypass the e.highlighting check * 0.4: * - Added rgb(%,%,%) color syntax * 0.3: * - Fixed bug when event was called while parent was also running event corrupting the * the background colour of the child * 0.2: * - Fixed bug where an unspecified onComplete function made the page throw continuous errors * - Fixed bug where multiple events on the same element would speed each subsequent event * 0.1: * - Initial Release * * @author Blair Mitchelmore (blair@offput.ca) * @version 0.5 */ jQuery.fn.highlightFade = function(settings) { var o = (settings && settings.constructor == String) ? {start: settings} : settings || {}; var d = jQuery.highlightFade.defaults; var i = o['interval'] || d['interval']; var a = o['attr'] || d['attr']; var ts = { 'linear': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+(c/t)*(e-s)); }, 'sinusoidal': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+Math.sin(((c/t)*90)*(Math.PI/180))*(e-s)); }, 'exponential': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+(Math.pow(c/t,2))*(e-s)); } }; var t = (o['iterator'] && o['iterator'].constructor == Function) ? o['iterator'] : ts[o['iterator']] || ts[d['iterator']] || ts['linear']; if (d['iterator'] && d['iterator'].constructor == Function) t = d['iterator']; return this.each(function() { if (!this.highlighting) this.highlighting = {}; var e = (this.highlighting[a]) ? this.highlighting[a].end : jQuery.highlightFade.getBaseValue(this,a) || [255,255,255]; var c = jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(o['start'] || o['colour'] || o['color'] || d['start'] || [255,255,128]); var s = jQuery.speed(o['speed'] || d['speed']); var r = o['final'] || (this.highlighting[a] && this.highlighting[a].orig) ? this.highlighting[a].orig : jQuery.curCSS(this,a); if (o['end'] || d['end']) r = jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString(e = jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(o['end'] || d['end'])); if (typeof o['final'] != 'undefined') r = o['final']; if (this.highlighting[a] && this.highlighting[a].timer) window.clearInterval(this.highlighting[a].timer); this.highlighting[a] = { steps: ((s.duration) / i), interval: i, currentStep: 0, start: c, end: e, orig: r, attr: a }; jQuery.highlightFade(this,a,o['complete'],t); }); }; jQuery.highlightFade = function(e,a,o,t) { e.highlighting[a].timer = window.setInterval(function() { var newR = t(e.highlighting[a].start[0],e.highlighting[a].end[0],e.highlighting[a].steps,e.highlighting[a].currentStep); var newG = t(e.highlighting[a].start[1],e.highlighting[a].end[1],e.highlighting[a].steps,e.highlighting[a].currentStep); var newB = t(e.highlighting[a].start[2],e.highlighting[a].end[2],e.highlighting[a].steps,e.highlighting[a].currentStep); jQuery(e).css(a,jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString([newR,newG,newB])); if (e.highlighting[a].currentStep++ >= e.highlighting[a].steps) { jQuery(e).css(a,e.highlighting[a].orig || ''); window.clearInterval(e.highlighting[a].timer); e.highlighting[a] = null; if (o && o.constructor == Function) o.call(e); } },e.highlighting[a].interval); }; jQuery.highlightFade.defaults = { start: [255,255,128], interval: 50, speed: 400, attr: 'backgroundColor' }; jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB = function(c,d) { var result; if (c && c.constructor == Array && c.length == 3) return c; if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(c)) return [parseInt(result[1]),parseInt(result[2]),parseInt(result[3])]; else if (result = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(c)) return [parseFloat(result[1])*2.55,parseFloat(result[2])*2.55,parseFloat(result[3])*2.55]; else if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(c)) return [parseInt("0x" + result[1]),parseInt("0x" + result[2]),parseInt("0x" + result[3])]; else if (result = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(c)) return [parseInt("0x"+ result[1] + result[1]),parseInt("0x" + result[2] + result[2]),parseInt("0x" + result[3] + result[3])]; else return jQuery.highlightFade.checkColorName(c) || d || null; }; jQuery.highlightFade.asRGBString = function(a) { return "rgb(" + a.join(",") + ")"; }; jQuery.highlightFade.getBaseValue = function(e,a,b) { var s, t; b = b || false; t = a = a || jQuery.highlightFade.defaults['attr']; do { s = jQuery(e).css(t || 'backgroundColor'); if ((s != '' && s != 'transparent') || (e.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body") || (!b && e.highlighting && e.highlighting[a] && e.highlighting[a].end)) break; t = false; } while (e = e.parentNode); if (!b && e.highlighting && e.highlighting[a] && e.highlighting[a].end) s = e.highlighting[a].end; if (s == undefined || s == '' || s == 'transparent') s = [255,255,255]; return jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(s); }; jQuery.highlightFade.checkColorName = function(c) { if (!c) return null; switch(c.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,'').toLowerCase()) { case 'aqua': return [0,255,255]; case 'black': return [0,0,0]; case 'blue': return [0,0,255]; case 'fuchsia': return [255,0,255]; case 'gray': return [128,128,128]; case 'green': return [0,128,0]; case 'lime': return [0,255,0]; case 'maroon': return [128,0,0]; case 'navy': return [0,0,128]; case 'olive': return [128,128,0]; case 'purple': return [128,0,128]; case 'red': return [255,0,0]; case 'silver': return [192,192,192]; case 'teal': return [0,128,128]; case 'white': return [255,255,255]; case 'yellow': return [255,255,0]; } };