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Gay adoption is a matter that children in foster home consider imperative.

As it stands, according to Florida still refuses to allow gay adoption. In addition, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Ohio, have not clarified their positions on the rights of homosexuals to adopt. In Florida, Michigan, Mississippi, and Utah gay couples are specifically forbidden to adopt. 26 states offer “no explicit prohibition” against gay couples adopting and 7 states remain “unclear” while in New Hampshire it is legal “in some jurisdictions.” In 39 states, it is unclear, illegal, or legal only in some jurisdictions. For same sex partners who petition to adopt a partner’s child the answer is unclear, not clarified, or no in 34 states. Keep in mind that within these numbers are children living in orphanages and foster homes. People are born gay. It isn’t a disease. You can’t catch it. It isn’t contagious. People are people despite whether or not they were born gay. We owe our children the opportunity to be loved by all benevolent souls. Adoption is no walk in the park. People don’t wake up one day and adopt a child the way you pick out a puppy—they deliberate, calculate, wish, and plan for the occasion. If you question the character of those who are gay, let me remind you that being gay in this free society is not easy either. For most homosexuals, they live a life ostracized from mainstream society, family members, and friends. Solely, for being the person they were born to be. They find themselves forced to form new families made up of like-minded souls and new friends. They experience long chapters of self-hate, and extreme loneliness and they rise above it to become members of society that not only function but are also happy. Like the phoenix from its ashes, they emerge able to STILL love others. I can’t think of many things that test the soul more. Can you? As equal members of society, gay singles and couples deserve the right to offer stability to a child cared for by the government. Love is not hindered by sexual orientation. Yet our children, labeled wards of state, have needs that are hindered by mandates of intolerance. In the end, children deprived of love and stability often grow up to be mal-adjusted adults. It is entirely possible that the hardships of being born gay and rising above the intolerance with love intact, has made these Americans uniquely suited to adopt unwanted children who have been abandoned by love. If we truly want the best for all of our children, we will rectify this intolerance to offer every option available to them.
2 Comments  »  Posted by to Education, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 12:54 PM


1/12/2009 8:57 PM

Human lives, children, are going without love because there is prejudice about who is capable of loving and nurturing another.  This is just ridiculous

1/13/2009 8:31 PM
My Canadian aunt is married to a woman.   They're nice, loving ladies anyone would be happy to have as moms.    I know what I'm talking about when I say gay couples can be good caregivers.
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