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Dark Anonymous Routing Technique (DART)

BATS' latest enhancement to its smart order router. This routing strategy routes to dark pools offering possible price improvement and lower access fees.

BATS Platform Continues to Offer Sustained Low Latency

Built by traders and for traders, the BATS system has a median latency of just 400 microseconds.

Scanning Against Dark Liquidity Pools

BATS' Dark Scan offers subscribers the opportunity for price improvement and reduced access fees.

CYCLE Smart Order Router Strategy

CYCLE sequentially cycles market centers to attain the best price points up to, and including, the limit price on the original order.

Simple Pricing

[Fee Information]
Securities Adding
Tape A (NYSE Listed) $.0024 $.0025 .0029* $.0035
Tape B (Regionals) $.0030 $.0025 .0029 $.0035
Tape C (Nasdaq Listed) $.0024 $.0025 .0029** $.0035
Securities under $1 FREE FREE .0029%*** $.0035
Basic port charges and market data are free of charge to broker-dealers.
+Orders filled via DART are charged $.0020.
* Non-ETF shares routed to NYSE are charged $.0009 when using BATS+NYSE.
** Tape C shares routed to ARCA are charged $.0028 when using BATS+ARCA.
*** 0.29% charge of the total dollar value for standard routed executions of securities under $1.

News & Announcements

[More News & Announcements]

BATS Releases Multicast Data Feed

01/12/09 Real-time, depth-of-book market data feed is free and provides up to 50% bandwidth reduction.

BATS Exchange 2008 Daily Matched Volume Rose 186%

01/09/09 BATS set new record internal match rate in December of 89.72%.

BATS Exchange Unveils DART Routing Strategy

12/12/08 BATS' latest enhancement provides potential price improvement and lower access fees when routing to dark liquidity providers.

BATS Exchange Boosts Reliability With Operational Secondary Datacenter

11/28/08 Global CEO Joe Ratterman comments on business continuity project completion and results.

BATS Exchange Completes Rollout of All Securities

11/06/08 Kansas City-based exchange looks to further boost market share.

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