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Agent Name Graphite, all forms except graphite fibers
CAS Number 7782-42-5
Formula C
Major Category Mineral Dusts
Synonyms AG 1500; AS 1; AT 20; ATJ-S; ATJ-S graphite; Aerodag G; Aquadag; Black lead; C.I. 77265; C.I. Pigment Black 10; CB 50; CPB 5000; Canlub; Ceylon Black Lead; DC 2; EG 0; EXP-F; Electrographite; Fortafil 5Y; GK 2; GK 3; GP 60; GP 60S; GP 63; GS 2; GY 70; Grafoil; Grafoil GTA; Graphite; Graphite (all forms except graphite fibers); Graphitic acid; Graphnol N 3M; H 451; Hitco HMG 50; IG 11; Korobon; MG 1; MPG 6; Mineral carbon; PG 50; Papyex; Plumbago; Plumbago (graphite); Pyro-Carb 406; Rocol X 7119; S 1; S 1 (Graphite); SKLN 1; Schungite; Shungite; Silver graphite; Stove Black; Swedish Black Lead; Ucar 38; VVP 66-95; [ChemIDplus]
Category Other Mineral Dusts
Description Steel gray to black, greasy feeling, odorless solid; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Natural graphite is a crystalline form of carbon that is known as plumbago. The "flake" form of natural graphite is used in refractory ceramics, pencils, lubricants, and brake linings. Carbon can be converted into graphite by a high temperature process called "graphitization." Synthetic graphite does not contain the mineral impurities present in natural graphite. [Rom, p. 531] Natural graphite is often contaminated with quartz, mica, iron oxide, and granite. [ACGIH]
Comments Severe symptomatic cases of graphite pneumoconioses were reported in the past. Heavy exposures occurred in workers manufacturing carbon electrodes for metallurgy. Studies of graphite miners have shown x-ray changes from mixed exposures to carbon and silica. [Harber, p. 356] Graphite pneumoconiosis is similar to coal workers' pneumoconiosis, and some cases progress to massive fibrosis. [Rom, p. 531] "The data indicate that the higher the crystalline silica content of the graphite dust, the more likely the disease will increase in severity.� [ACGIH]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) No
TLV (ACGIH) 2 mg/m3, respir. fraction(all forms except graphite fibers)
PEL (OSHA)15 mppcf
MAK 1.5 mg/m3( respirable fraction), 4 mg/m3( inhalable fraction)
IDLH (NIOSH) 1250 mg/m3
Excerpts from Documentation for IDLHs Basis for revised IDLH: The available toxicological data contain no evidence that an acute exposure to a high concentration of graphite would impede escape or cause any irreversible health effects within 30 minutes.
Adverse Effects
Fibrogenic Yes
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Last updated: September, 2008