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Energy Efficiency Publications

A Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Market Growth and Development from 2000 to 2006
Hopper, N., C. Goldman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Gilligan and T. Singer (National Association of Energy Service Companies), D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions). LBNL-62679. May 2007
205 KB PDF
Energy Efficiency in Western Utility Resource Plans: Impacts on Regional Resource Assessment and Support for WGA Policies
Hopper, N., C. Goldman and J. Schlegel. LBNL-58271. August 2006
Report, 672 KB PDF
Spreadsheet, 88 KB XLS
Public and Institutional Markets for ESCO Services: Comparing Programs, Practices and Performance
Hopper, N., C. Goldman and J. McWilliams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions), K. McMordie Stoughton (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory). LBNL-55002. March 2005
Report, 975 KB PDF
Appendix, 178 KB PDF
Review of U.S. ESCO Industry Market Trends: An Empirical Analysis of Project Data
Goldman, C., N. Hopper, J. Osborn, and T. Singer. LBNL-52320. January 2005
346 KB PDF
A New Approach for Modeling the Peak Utility Impacts from a Proposed Commercial Unitary Air-Conditioning Standard
Hamachi LaCommare, K., E. Gumrman, C. Marnay, P. Chan, K. Coughlin . LBNL-55269. October 2004
282 KB PDF
The Federal Market for ESCO Services: How Does it Measure Up?
Hopper, N., C. Goldman, and D. Birr (Synchronous Energy Solutions). LBNL-54952. August 2004
148 KB PDF
Who Should Administer Energy Efficiency Programs?
Blumstein, C., C. Goldman, and G. Barbose. LBNL-53597. August 2003
265 KB PDF
Assessing U.S. ESCO Industry Performance and Market Trends: Results from the NAESCO Database Project
Osborn, J., C. Goldman, and N. Hopper, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-50304. August 2002
120 KB PDF
Market Trends in the U.S. ESCO Industry: Results from the NAESCO Database Project
Goldman, C., J. Osborn and N. Hopper, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-49601. May 2002
Report, 456 KB PDF
Appendix D, 700 KB XLS
California Customer Load Reductions during the Electricity Crisis: Did They Help to Keep the Lights On?
Goldman, C., J. Eto and G. Barbose. LBNL-49733. May 2002
180 KB PDF
Energy Efficiency Options for the New England Demand Response Initiative (NEDRI) - Framing Paper #4
Schlegel, J., Schlegel & Associates, LLC. LBNL/PUB-5482. May 2002
168 KB PDF
Historical Performance of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Results from the NAESCO Project Database
Goldman, C., P. Juergens, M. Fowlie, J. Osborn and K. Kawamoto, LBNL, and T. Singer, NAESCO. LBNL-46070. August 2000
960 KB PDF
Public Benefit Charge Funded Performance Contracting Programs - Survey and Guidelines
Schiller, S., Schiller Associates, C. Goldman, LBNL, and B. Henderson, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. LBNL-46071. August 2000
California's Nonresidential Standard Performance Contract Program
Goldman, C., J. Eto, R. Prahl (Prahl and Associates), and J. Schlegel (Schlegel and Associates). LBNL-42347. August 1998
The Energy Services Company (ESCO) Industry: Industry and Market Trends
Dayton, D. (HEC, Inc.), C. Goldman, and S. Pickle. LBNL-41925. August 1998
Organizing for Market Transformation: Institutional Issues in the Creation of a New Energy Efficiency Policy Framework in California
Prahl, R., J. Schlegel, and C. Goldman. LBNL-43834. August 1998
1.2 MB PDF
Ratepayer-Funded Energy-Efficiency Programs in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Issues and Options for Regulators and Legislators
Eto, J., C. Goldman, and S. Nadel (ACEEE). LBNL-41479. May 1998
344 KB PDF
The Past, Present, and Future of U.S. Utility Demand-Side Management Programs
Eto, J. LBNL-39931. December 1996
108 KB PDF
Impact of Information and Communications Technologies on Residential Customer Energy Services
Goldman, C. et al. LBNL-39015. October 1996
Report, 628 KB PDF
Appendices, 736 KB PDF
Ratepayer-Funded Energy-Efficiency Programs in a Restructured Electricity Industry: Issues, Options, and Unanswered Questions
Eto, J., C. Goldman, and S. Kito. LBNL-40026. August 1996
A Scoping Study on Energy-Efficiency Market Transformation by California Utility DSM Programs
Eto, J., R. Prahl, and J. Schlegel. LBNL-39058. July 1996
552 KB PDF
Market Barriers to Energy Efficiency: A Critical Reappraisal of the Rationale for Public Policies to Promote Energy Efficiency
Golove, B. and J. Eto. LBL-38059. March 1996
228 KB PDF
Where Did the Money Go? The Cost and Performance of the Largest Commercial Sector DSM Programs
Eto, J., S. Kito, L. Shown, and R. Sonnenblick. LBL-38201. December 1995
276 KB PDF
A Framework for Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of DSM Program Evaluations
Sonnenblick, R. and J. Eto. LBL-37158. September 1995
Evaluation of Public Service Electric and Gas' Standard Offer Program
Goldman, C., M. Kito, and M. Moezzi. LBL-37157. February 1995
DSM Shareholder Incentives: Current Designs and Economic Theory
Stoft, S., J. Eto, and S. Kito. LBL-36580. January 1995
604 KB PDF
The Cost and Performance of Utility Commercial Lighting Programs
Eto, J., E. Vine, L. Shown et al. LBL-34967. May 1994
Review of Utility Experience with DSM Bidding
Goldman, C. and M. Kito. LBL-35021. February 1994
Analysis of PG&E's Residential End-Use Metered Data to Improve Electricity Demand Forecasts
Eto, J. and M. Moezzi. LBL-34431. December 1993
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