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  MMS/USCG Joint Safety Alert No. 1
January 24, 2003
Fall Hazards Associated with Temporary Deck Openings
on Fixed Offshore Facilities

The U.S. Coast Guard (Coast Guard), in conjunction with the Minerals Management Service (MMS), completed a review of accidents on fixed offshore facilities that have resulted in fatalities or  serious injuries.  It was observed that a number of incidents occurred during operations in which grating or other deck covering had been temporarily removed.  Cases involved personnel who were working at the temporary deck opening and

 Department of Interior - Minerals Management Service Seal
United States Coast Guard Seal 1790 (also linked to Safety Alerts Lessons by Office of Investigations and Analysis)
who became entangled in equipment, tripped, or simply forgot that the opening was there.  Other events involved personnel who were not aware of the temporary deck opening and who were passing through the work area when the accident occurred.

Coast Guard regulations require that openings in decks that are not in use be covered, guarded, or otherwise made inaccessible (33 CFR 142.87).  Further, in cases where there is a hazard of falling ten or more feet when engaged in an activity (such as during and after removal of decking), personnel are required to wear secured safety belts (33 CFR 142.42).  MMS regulations require that lease operations do not result in injury or loss of life (30 CFR 250.106) and that operators perform work in a safe and workmanlike manner (30 CFR 250.107(a)).

In order to mitigate future fall hazards associated with temporary deck openings, employees involved in removal of grating or other deck covering to create a temporary deck opening shall wear secured safety belts per existing Coast Guard regulations.  Employees may work without safety belts if temporary guard rails are installed that completely encompass, and are in close proximity to, the deck opening.  These temporary guard rails should be of a contrasting color to the immediate environment and substantially constructed enough to prevent an accidental fall through the opening by an employee.  Employees working near the temporary deck opening when a portion of the temporary guard rail is removed or who are required to work within the perimeter of the guard rails shall also wear secured safety belts per existing Coast Guard regulations.  Other measures such as safety meetings and notices regarding work hazards should continue to highlight the dangers associated with temporary deck opening fall hazards. 

For additional information contact Mr. David M. Moore (MMS – 703-787-1637) or Mr. Robert Nelson (USCG – 202-267-0496).

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Last Updated: 02/01/2006, 12:48 PM

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