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   Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW/SARC)

The Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop or SAW is a formal scientific peer-review process for evaluating and presenting stock assessment results to managers. The SAW protocol is used to prepare and review assessments for fish stocks in the offshore US waters of the northwest Atlantic. Assessments are prepared by SAW working groups (federally led assessments) or ASMFC technical assessment committees (state led assessments) and reviewed by an independent panel of stock assessment experts called the Stock Assessment Review Committee or SARC.

The SARC is asked to determine the adequacy of the assessments in providing a scientific basis for management. If the panel accepts an assessment, the SAW report will include an assessment summary and a chapter providing details on the assessment development and results. In addition, each panelist provides a review and the panel provides an overall summary of the proceedings.

Prior to the 39th SAW, in 2004, two reports were produced: a Public Review Workshop Report (a summary of the assessment, including management advice) and a Consensus Summary Report (a larger assessment report). There were no SARC panelist or chair reports. As of SAW 39, the SAW documents include an assessment report, an assessment summary report and the SARC panelist reports. All reports are available in electronic (links below) and in printed form.

Contact: Dr. James Weinberg (, SAW Chairman

GARM III (NE Groundfish) -- 2008

Northeast Data Poor Stocks Working Group

Mackerel TRAC (Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee)

Northeast Groundfish webpage

Historical Reports

SAW 1 (1985)
SAW 15 (1993)
SAW 16 (1993)
SAW 17 (1994)
SAW 18 (1994)
SAW 19 (1995)
SAW 20 (1996)
SAW 21 (1996)
SAW 22 (1996)
SAW 23 (1997)
SAW 24 (1997)
SAW 25 (1997)
SAW 26 (1998)
SAW 27 (1998)
SAW 28 (1999)
SAW 29 (1999)
SAW 30 (2000)
SAW 31 (2000)

Recent Reports

SARC Meeting
Public Review
Public Review Workshop
Summary Report
Assessment Report
Woods Hole, June 26-30, 2000 scup, goosefish (monkfish), ocean quahog , and summer flounder (fluke).  July 2000 -- New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
August 2000
-- Joint meeting of Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). 

CRD (Center Reference Document) 00-14, Oct. 2000

CRD 00-15, Oct. 2000
Woods Hole, Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2000 American plaice (dabs), sea scallops, silver hake (whiting) and Gulf of Maine haddock

January 2001 (NEFMC)
February 2001 (MAFMC)

CRD 01-04, April 2001 CRD. 01-05, Apr. 2001
Woods Hole, June 25-29, 2001
The SARC also reviewed and commented on work provided by the SAW Methods Working Group dealing with production modeling and biological reference points. 
Gulf of Maine cod, white hake, and redfish .

July 2001 (NEFMC)
August 2001 (MAFMC)

CRD 01-19, Dec. 2001
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (38 p)

CRD 01-18, Dec. 2001
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches, results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (281 p)

Woods Hole, Nov. 26-30, 2001 Longfin (loligo) squid, Georges Bank winter flounder, goosefish (monkfish) January 2002 (NEFMC and MAFMC)

CRD 02-07, April 2002
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (32 p)

CRD 02-06, April 2002
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches, results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (346 p)

Woods Hole, June 24-28, 2002 Summer flounder, scup, index-based assessment methods, silver hake (whiting) stock distribution August  2002 (ASMFC/MAFMC)

CRD 02-13, Sept. 2002
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (44 p)

CRD 02-14, Sept. 2002
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches, results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (259 p)

Woods Hole, Dec. 2-6, 2002 Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic yellowtail flounder, Cape Cod/Gulf of Maine yellowtail flounder, Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder, Gulf of Maine winter flounder, northern shrimp, striped bass assessment methodology Jan./Feb. 2003 (MAFMC/NEFMC/ASMFC)

CRD 03-04, Feb. 2003
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (52 p)

CRD 03-06, Feb. 2003
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches, results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (453 p)

37 SMAST, Univ. of MA Dartmouth, June 16-20, 2003 Witch flounder (Grey sole), Spiny dogfish, Atlantic hagfish resource and fishery,
Northern shortfin
(illex) squid, Atlantic surfclam
July/Aug. 2003 (MAFMC/NEFMC) CRD 03-17, Sept. 2003
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (52 p)
CRD 03-16, Sept. 2003
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches,
results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (598 p)
Woods Hole, Nov 17-19, 2003 Ocean Quahog, Atlantic Butterfish January 2004 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 04-04, Jan. 2004
A summary of assessment results including stock status and management advice (24 p)

CRD 04-03, Jan. 2004
Details on stock exploitation history, data and methods used, assessment approaches,
results, SARC discussion, conclusions and research recommendations (246 p)

The SAW protocol was revised as of the 39th SAW (details).  For the 39th and 40th SAW there is a single SAW Center Reference Document produced.  The document has two parts: an Assessment Summary and an Assessment Report, roughly comparable to the old Public Review Workshop report and Consensus Summary reports, respectively. In addition, the SAW documentation will include individual SARC panelist reports and a SARC Chair's summary report.
Public Presentations
SAW Assessment Summary*
SAW Assessment Report*
39 Woods Hole, June 7-10, 2004
Black Sea Bass, Sea Scallops, Bluefish
July/August 2004 (NEFMC/MAFMC/ASMFC)

CRD 04-10 July 2004

An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information (16 p)
Detailed assessment reports  produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessments accepted by the SARC (211 p)
40 Woods Hole, Nov 29 - Dec. 2, 2004
(Weakfish Assessment Methodology Review - see panelist reports)

February 2005 (NEFMC)

CRD 05-04 April 2005

An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information (21 p)
Detailed assessment report  produced by the relevant Working Groups/Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC (146 p)
41 Woods Hole, June 6-9, 2005
Summer flounder, Bluefish, Golden Tilefish

August/Sept. 2005 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 05-10 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information. (44 p)
CRD 05-14 -- Detailed assessment report  produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC (246 p)
42 Woods Hole, Nov 28 - Dec 2, 2005
Silver hake, Atlantic mackerel, Illex squid


Jan./Feb, 2006 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 06-01 Jan. 2006
CRD 06-09 May 2006

CRD 06-01 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/ Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information. (70 p)
CRD 06-09 -- Detailed assessment report  produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC. (308 p)
43 Woods Hole, June 6-12, 2006

Spiny dogfish, black sea bass, red crab

Ocean quahog (withdrawn)


Aug. /Sept. 2006 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 06-14 July 2006
CRD 06-25 November 2006

CRD 06-14 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information. (54 p)
CRD 06-25 -- Detailed assessment report produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC. (400 p)
SARC 43 Panelist Report

Woods Hole, Nov. 28 - Dec. 4, 2006

Ocean quahog, Northeast skate complex, Atlantic surfclam


Feb. 2007 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 07-03 Jan. 2007
CRD 07-10 May 2007

CRD 07-03 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/ Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information. (66 p) CRD 07-10 -- Detailed assessment report produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC. (661 p)
SARC 44 Panelist Report (revised 2/23/07)

Woods Hole, June 4-9, 2007

Northern shrimp, sea scallops


Aug.-Sept. 2007 (MAFMC/NEFMC)

CRD 07-11 July 2007
CRD 07-16 Sept 2007

CRD 07-11 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC.  Includes stock status information. (37 p)
CRD 07-16 -- Detailed assessment report produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC. (370 p)
SARC 45 Panelist Reports

Woods Hole, Nov 26 - 29, 2007

Striped bass


Feb 2008 (ASMFC)

CRD 08-01 Jan. 2008
CRD 08-03 Feb. 2008

CRD 08-01 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC. Includes stock status information (24 p)

CRD 08-03 -- Detailed assessment report produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC (595 p)
SARC 46 Panelist Reports

Woods Hole, June 16-20, 2008

Summer flounder


Aug. 2008 (MAFMC)

CRD 08-11 July 2008
CRD 08-12 July 2008

CRD 08-11 -- An executive summary produced by the relevant Working Group/Technical Committee for assessements accepted by the SARC. Includes stock status information (22 p) CRD 08-12 -- Detailed assessment report produced by the relevant Working Groups/ Technical Committees for assessments accepted by the SARC (2,446 p)
SARC 47 Panelist Reports