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Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators PDF Print E-mail
Written on Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Last Updated on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Article Index
Appendix B: Important for Library Administrators
From Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
From Chapter 2: Legal Requirements
From Chapter 3: Federal Depository Status
From Chapter 4: Public Services
From Chapter 5: Depository Collections
From Chapter 6: Technical Services
From Chapter 7: Public Access Assessments
From Chapter 8: Preservation
From Chapter 9: Housing
From Chapter 10: Staffing
From Chapter 11: Collaborative Efforts
From Chapter 12: Regional Services
From Chapter 13: Transitioning Depository Libraries
From Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
From Chapter 15: Federal Libraries
All Pages

From Chapter 3: Federal Depository Status

In today’s increasingly electronic library environment, the depository program is as much about access and expertise as it is about tangible publications. Federal depository libraries MUST provide free public access to depository materials in all formats.

Free public access does not mean a depository MUST grant circulation privileges to groups outside of the library’s primary user community, although they may choose to do so.

Free public access need not equal free printing or copying if your library users MUST pay for printing and copying of other library materials or resources.

Free access does not necessarily mean access at all times.

GPO permits various actions by administrators to ensure the security of their facility and personnel. Such actions may include asking users for identification, or asking users to sign a guest register, and even escorting users to the depository library.

Even though most Federal Government information is now freely available on the World Wide Web, accessing it efficiently can be a daunting task if one depends solely on Internet search engines. Much information is in the “deep Web” and in statistical databases. Depository status ensures that a library has access to the training and support that will become increasingly important to navigate the complexities of Federal Government information sources. See details on the number of opportunities for training all staff in depository libraries listed in chapter 4 of this Handbook.