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Volume 52(608);  June 1976
Influenza Vaccines
Geoffrey C. Schild
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 321–322.
PMCID: PMC2496310
Section 1 Epidemiological Considerations of Influenza
The role of epidemiological surveillance in the immunoprophylaxis of influenza
M. S. Pereira
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 323–326.
PMCID: PMC2496315
Epidemiological impact of recent influenza viruses in various countries
P. J. Delon and F. Assaad
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 327–331.
PMCID: PMC2496322
Section 2 Mechanisms of Immunity to Influenza in Experimental Animals
The role of humoral immunity in host defence against influenza A infection in mice
J. L. Virelizier, J. S. Oxford, and G. C. Schild
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 332–337.
PMCID: PMC2496323
Host defence mechanisms against influenza infection. II. Protection of mice with vaccines against A/Port Chalmers/1/73 and B/Hong Kong/5/72
F. A. Ennis, M. A. Wells, D. W. Barry, S. Daniel, and J. Manischewitz
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 338–344.
PMCID: PMC2496327
The hamster as a model system for the study of influenza vaccines
C. W. Potter and R. Jennings
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 345–351.
PMCID: PMC2496317
Section 3 Recent Advances in the Design and Evaluation of Inactivated Whole Particle and Subunit Vaccines
Placebo-controlled double-blind clinical studies on the efficacy of different influenza vaccines assessed by experimental and natural infection
F. E. André, P. Uytterschaut, I. T. I. Niculescu, G. Virlan, E. Zilisteanu, S. Smerdel, and I. Vodopija
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 352–359.
PMCID: PMC2496328
Preparation and properties of a novel influenza subunit vaccine
H. Bachmayer, E. Liehl, and G. Schmidt
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 360–367.
PMCID: PMC2496314
An adsorbed surface-antigen influenza vaccine and its serological activity in volunteers
M. I. Brady, I. G. S. Furminger, and P. B. Stones
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 368–372.
PMCID: PMC2496311
Preparation and immunogenicity of a purified influenza virus haemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunit vaccine
W. G. Laver and R. G. Webster
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 373–378.
PMCID: PMC2496313
Assessment of vaccine efficacy by challenge studies in man
D. A. J. Tyrrell
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 379–380.
PMCID: PMC2496319
Section 4 Recent Progress in the Development and Assessment of Live Attenuated Vaccines
Use of temperature-sensitive mutants of influenza A virus as live virus vaccine strains. Evaluation in laboratory animals, adults and children
Brian R. Murphy, Douglas D. Richman, Susan B. Spring, and Robert M. Chanock
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 381–388.
PMCID: PMC2496312
The production of live attenuated influenza A strains by recombination with A/Okuda/57 (H2N2)
D. McCahon, A. S. Beare, and V. Stealey
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 389–394.
PMCID: PMC2496329
Protective efficacy of a live, attenuated, influenza virus vaccine (‘Alice’ strain)
A. Prinzie, A. Delem, and C. Huygelen
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 395–398.
PMCID: PMC2496316
Section 5 Future Prospects for the Control of Influenza by Immunoprophylaxis and Choice of Groups for Routine Vaccination
Vaccination in the control of influenza
J. W. G. Smith, W. B. Fletcher, and P. J. Wherry
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 399–404.
PMCID: PMC2496324
Epidemiological studies concerning choice of population for immunoprophylaxis of influenza
I. T. I. Niculescu, E. Zilisteanu, L. Cretescu, R. Crainic, E. Oprescu, and M. Matepiuc
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 405–408.
PMCID: PMC2496326
Section 6 Planning for the Next Pandemic
Planning for influenza epidemics
A. S. Beare
Postgrad Med J. 1976 June; 52(608): 409–412.
PMCID: PMC2496320
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