NOAA Satellite and Information Service
National Oceanographic Data Center
What's New
   What's GTSPP
   details at right»
   Related Links
Access GTSPP Data
   User-Defined Data Sets
   Real-Time Data Sets
   Best Copy Data Sets
   Reports to IODE/JCOMM
   GTSPP Meeting Reports
   WOCE UOT Meeting Reports
   Data Processing
   Data Quality Control
   Data Format Description
      ASCII Format
      NetCDF Format
   Code Tables
      Parameter Codes
      GTSPP Codes
      WMO Codes
      Platform/Ship Codes
         Call Signs: 0-9
         Call Signs: A-J
         Call Signs: K-P
         Call Signs: Q Part 1
         Call Signs: Q Part 2
         Call Signs: Q Part 3
         Call Signs: R-Z
         Platform Codes: 06-30
         Platform Codes: 31-32
         Platform Codes: 33
         Platform Codes: 34-53
         Platform Codes: 54-ZZ
         Platform Names: 1-C
         Platform Names: D-G
         Platform Names: H-K
         Platform Names: L-T
         Platform Names: U-U
         Platform Names: V-Z

>> Contributors

The most important contributors are the collectors of the original data. Without their efforts, this compilation of data and information would not have been possible.

Agencies that have been important contributors in the development of the GTSPP system are presented below. Each participating agency carries out a number of functions in handling the data for the GTSPP. With each of the partners listed below a short description of their main contribution to the programme is provided. You are encouraged to contact any of the people listed here for more information. If you wish to provide data to the archive, or to get data in either real-time or delayed mode, you can contact the US NODC.

AOML Provided scientific quality control for Atlantic Ocean data.
IFREMER* Data centre handling archive responsibilities for the WOCE Upper Ocean Thermal.
IPRC * Provided scientific quality control for Pacific Ocean data.
JAFOOS* Provided scientific quality control of data from the Indian Ocean.
ISDM* Data centre handling real-time data management.
SCRIPPS* Provided scientific quality control for Pacific Ocean data.
U.S. NODC Processes high resolution data and operates the continuously managed database.
  Last modified:    Wed, 8-Oct-2008 14:19 UTC
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC
* External link: You will be leaving the Federal
   Government by following an external link. - The U.S. Government's Web Portal