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GOES-N (13) SXI Instrument Performance

This page and its links contain information on all major aspects of the instrument optical performance, as determined by extensive pre-flight ground tests. Included in these pages are:

1) Instrument Optical Component Performance

     Plots and tables of measured characteristics of mirror, entrance and analysis filters, and detector

2) GOES-N (13) SXI System Throughput

     Plots and tables of total system throughput, for the various analysis filters;
     System throughput convolved with model solar spectra, for a range of solar atmospheric temperatures

3) Comparison of System Response with Other Soft X-ray Imagers

     Plots of GOES-13 instrument characteristics relative to Skylab, YOHKOH/SXT, and GOES-12 SXI

4) Digital Instrument Data

     Instrument data, in the form of SSW-compatible ".geny" files for the various optical components.

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