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EQR - Users Group and Workshops: 2003
    Users Group Materials

    November 18, 2003
    Meeting to finalize recommendations on changes to the EQR.

    September 29–30, 2003
    Results from further discussion of standardization and definitions and of re-filing timetables.

    August 14, 2003

    Results from the meeting that discussed standardization and definition of "Product Name" and "Control Area" fields.
    July 11, 2003
    Results from the meeting that discussed the structure of Users Group and possible NAESB assistance on standardization.
    April 11, 2003
    During an EQR Workshop for all EQR filers, many questions were asked and answered and a lot of good information was conveyed to all who attended in person or via WebEx (Internet). The following links are provided for your information:

    • EQR Workshop Recording: recording of the EQR Workshop (in two large files)
      • Part 1 [WRF, 27 MB] - Data issues, submission system review and updates
      • Part 2 [WRF, 13 MB] - Dissemination system, compliance matters, general Q&A

      You may need to download and install WebEx viewer [EXE] software in order to view to the recording. Save the EXE file to your Desktop and double-click on the icon to install.

    • EQR Workshop Presentation PDF – PowerPoint presentation used at the workshop

    • EQR Workshop Transcript PDF – Transcript from the workshop

  Contact Information

Michelle Reaux
Telephone: 202-502-6497

  Previous Users Groups & Workshops:
  • » 2003

Updated: October 15, 2008