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National Fire Plan 'Contracting and Assistance' Web Page
Home Overview Vendors Statements of Work Assistance Links

Click on the National Fire Region Geographical Areas (outlined in red) for Links to:

Contracting leads, fuels specialists, contracts, procurement opportunities, etc.. for that area.



SouthernEasternSouthwestRocky MountainNorthern Rocky MountainEastern Great BasinWestern Great BasinCalifornia South ZoneCalifornia North ZoneNorthwest


1 - Northwest: Portland, Oregon 2 - California North Zone: Redding, California 3 - California South Zone: Riverside, California 4 - Western Great Basin: Reno, Nevada 5 - Eastern Great Basin: Salt Lake City, Utah 6 - Northern Rocky Mountains: Missoula, Montana 7 - Rocky Mountain: Broomfield, Colorado 8 - Southwest: Albuquerque, New Mexico 9 - Eastern: Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10 - Southern: Atlanta, Georgia 11 - Alaska: Fairbanks, Alaska

Note: This site will be updated as more information is received.

How would you like to help restore and rehabilitate fire-damaged lands,

protect your local community from destructive wildfires,

and get paid for your efforts?

A recent law, the Fiscal Year 2001 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (Public Law 106-291), opens the door for local businesses and nonprofit groups to participate in fuels reduction, land rehabilitation/restoration, and training/monitoring for these activities on Federal lands. Restoration efforts can also occur on non-Federal lands if this would benefit resources on Federal land (for example, restoring fire-damaged stream banks on private lands might be essential to preventing high stream flows and soil erosion on downstream Federal lands).

The Appropriations Act authorizes the use of contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements and allows government agencies, Anotwithstanding Federal Government procurement and contracting laws, to cut through red tape and get the job done.

The new, greatly expanded Fuels Treatment Program places primary emphasis in three areas:

Community protection

Stabilization and rehabilitation of burned areas

Community assistance programs to develop local capabilities and educate homeowners on wildland fire prevention and protection

Under the new program, Federal agencies can take into account several factors in awarding contracts/agreements, including best-value practices and opportunities to enhance local small business employment levels. The Act specifies that, for fuels reduction, stabilization, and rehabilitation treatments, local contract people should be used whenever possible. This can include:

local private, nonprofit, or cooperative entities;

Youth Conservation Corps crews or related partnerships with State, local, and nonprofit youth groups;

small businesses or A micro-businesses; or

other entities that will hire or train a significant percentage of local people to complete contract work.

Funds have also been provided to the Department of the Interior for pilot efforts to assist rural fire districts in enhancing their fire protection capability. Assistance can include training, equipment purchase, and prevention activities on a cost-share basis.

To learn more about all of these opportunities, please contact Steve Santoro, with the Bureau of Land Management's National Business Center in Denver, at 303-236-3518 (email address:

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POC: Barb Bellio

Last updated: 5/23/06

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Bureau of Land Management
National Business Center
Acquisition Division
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