Search Results

1 record matched your query [91726344].

Record 1 is displayed.

Title:         Daughter of Shanghai / Paramount Pictures, Inc. ;
                  director, Robert Florey; screenplay, Gladys Unger,
                  Garnett Weston.
Published:     United States : Paramount Pictures, Inc., 1937.
Description:   7 reels of 7 (5604 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm. ref print.
               7 reels of 7 (5604 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm. dupe neg.
               7 reels of 7 (5604 ft.) : si., b&w ; 35 mm. masterpos.
LC Call No.:   FEB 1131-1137 (ref print)
               FPC 4829-4835 (dupe neg)
               FPC 4822-4828 (masterpos)
Notes:         Copyright: Paramount Pictures, Inc.; 17Dec37; LP7674.
               Photography, Charles Schoenbaum ; story, Garnett
               Anna May Wong, Philip Ahn, Charles Bickford, Larry
                  Crabbe, Cecil Cunningham, J. Carroll Naish, Anthony
                  Quinn, Virginia Dabney, Evelyn Brent.
               Ref print is made from a non-standard estar dupe neg.
               NCN006576; Daughter of Shanghai. DLC
               Reference source used: Film daily yearbook, 1938, p.
                  182; Taves, Robert Florey, the French expressionist,
                  p. 206-207, 368.
               ref print and dupe neg; Received: 5/3/79 from LC film
                  lab; gift; AFI/Universal Collection.
               masterpos; Received: 12/21/78 from LC film lab; gift;
                  AFI/Universal Collection.
Subjects:      Mysteries. mim
Other authors: Florey, Robert, 1900-1979, direction.
               Weston, Garnett, b. 1890, writing.
               Schoenbaum, Charles, camera.
               Wong, Anna May, 1905-1961, cast.
               Ahn, Philip, 1905-1978, cast.
               Bickford, Charles, 1889-1967, cast.
               Brent, Evelyn, 1899-1975, cast.
Other authors: Unger, Gladys, d. 1940, writing.
               Paramount Pictures, inc.
               AFI/Universal Pictures Collection (Library of
                  Congress) DLC
Source:        DLC DLC amim DLC
Control No.:   11564051

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