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In this module, effects of the work environment on task performance and worker health have been presented. After finishing this module, it should be evident that protecting worker health, comfort, and well-being also results in improved task performance and a reduction in errors and accidents. The impact of the work environment on worker health and performance were explored for:

  • Lighting - This section emphasized VDT workstations and how to eliminate the number one complaint--glare.
  • Noise - The noise presentation covered both performance impact and hearing loss attributable to high level exposure.
  • Climate - Climate was treated with regard to influence on performance, as well as the risks to health of extreme heat and cold. Guideline limits were provided for work to be performed under adverse conditions.
  • Other Environmental Hazards - Other hazards were briefly summarized to illustrate the breadth of potential work-related hazards.

In the next module, we will address human "Cognition." Cognition will combine and add to concepts presented in prior modules, particularly the "Visual Displays," "Non-Visual Displays" and aspects of the "Usability Module."



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