USDA Forest Service

Lincoln National Forest - Planning

Planning Links

The Planning Process
Planning Regulations

The Forest Plan



Welcome to the Lincoln National Forest's planning site.  From here you'll be able to obtain information about the planning process and how to become involved.

Many of the documents you will be able to open here require Adobe Acrobat.  Click here to get your free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have this.

Contact:  Ron Hannan, Forest Planner (505-434-7200)

MONITORING  (back to top)

The purpose of annual monitoring and evaluation reports is to inform the Forest leadership team, other federal, state, and local agencies, Indian tribes, and the public of the progress the Lincoln National Forest has made toward Forest Plan implementation and ecosystem management.  Most reports are a continuation of the prior years report, and include past and present monitoring activities.  They also provide summaries from other Forest reports.   If additional information is needed, please contact the Forest at 434-7200 or e-mail .

Yearly Monitoring Reports
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007      

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Before work is done on the ground, analysis must be completed and these analyses will be presented in 3 basic forms; Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Analysis, and/or Environmental Impact Study.  The umbrella that all of these analyses are done under is commonly referred to as the NEPA process (defined).  The NEPA CALENDAR or schedule of projects listed below will help...


The NEPA Triangle:  showing the various phases of environmental studies


National Forest Management Act of 1976 was the beginning of a step by step process of laying out goals and objectives for the future management of National Forest Service lands.  The results of this are the Forest Plan found below.

Two formats have been created for accessing the Forest Plan electronically on the internet. 

UNAMENDED FORMAT - The unamended format is a scanned version of the original documents as it was published in 1987.  This format also contains separately numbered  replacement pages representing the amendments, corrections, and errata that have been generated since 1987.  It also contains the individual decision document that established each amendment. They appear as separate pages to allow a comparison between the original Plan and amended language.

AMENDED FORMAT – This format replaces each original Plan page with replacement pages containing the amended language, corrections, or other minor errata identified over the years since the Plan became effective.  This version makes electronic searches for specific information easier by pointing to current management direction, standards and/or guidelines affected by the amendment, without needing to review numerous separate document. 

Warning:  During the conversion from a paper document to an electronic format, optical character recognition software may have introduced undetected errors into the body of the text.  The original paper version and individual amendments and corrections take precedence in resolving conflicts.

Lincoln National Forest Plan

  Unamended Version Amended Version

Document Type

PDF File

PDF File

The Plan Download Download
Amendment 1 Download  
Amendment 2 Download  
Amendment 3 Download  
Amendment 4 Download  
Amendment 5 Download  
Amendment 6 Download  
Amendment 7 Download  
Amendment 8 Download  
R3 Amendment 9 Download  
Amendment 9 Download  
Amendment 10 Download  
Amendment 11 Download  
Amendment 12 Download  
Amendment 13 Download  
(Amendment 14 - Witrdrawn)
Amendment 15 Download  
Decision Documents for Amendments
Amendment 1 Download  
Amendment 2 Download  
Amendment 3 Download  
Amendment 4 Download  
Amendment 5 Download  
Amendment 6 Download  
Amendment 7 Download  
Amendment 8 Download  
Amendment 9 Download  
Amendment 10 Download  
Amendment 11 Download  
Amendment 12 Download  
Amendment 13 Download  
(Amendment 14 - Witrdrawn)
Amendment 15 Download  


Transportation System & Utility Corridors (Smokey Bear RD) Download  
Transportation System & Utility Corridors (Sacramento & Guadalupe  RD's) Download  
Proposed Action - First 10 Years (Smokey Bear  RD) Download  
Proposed Action - First 10 Years (Sacramento & Guadalupe RD's) Download  
Proposed Action and Alternatives A-F Download  

Other Documents

Final EIS Download  
Final EIS Record of Decision Download  
Appendix G:  Wild & Scenic Rivers Download  

Correction Notices

Correction Notice 1 Download  
Correction Notice 2 Download  
Correction Notice 3 Download  
Correction Notice 4 Download  




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 Last Modified: 10 June, 2008, lsc