Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

Weldon Cylindrical Grinder

The Weldon Model AGN5 CNC cylindrical grinder is available for user research projects. The machine has both an OD spindle and an auxiliary spindle for ID grinding. This precision grinder is fully instrumented to facilitate data collection and analysis. Process variables that can be easily measured include grinding forces, vibration amplitude and frequency, spindle horsepower and coolant temperature. An acoustic emission detector is also available for studying wheel and workpiece condition during the grinding process.

Metals and Ceramics Division

part size

300 mm in diameter by 300 mm in length (12" x 12")

Grinding spindle speed

127 m/sec (25,000 surface feet per minute) maximum

Spindle power

11.2 kW (15 horsepower) spindle motor

Machine repeatability

Capable of grinding components to a size repeatability of 2.5 micron (0.0001 inch)

The URL of this page is http://www.html.ornl.gov/mituc/weldon.htm.
Last modified on December 08, 2003 .

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